My Dog Ate Money What Should I Do?

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 10/31/22 •  3 min read
Dog Moderate Toxicity Level
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My Dog Ate Money What Should I Do?

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Sometimes eat the strangest things! We’ve heard stories about dogs that love to eat money! We’re talking about paper money in this article. Why would a dog want to eat paper money? It’s anyone’s guess, though some conditions may cause a dog to eat money or almost anything else! But what happens if a dog eats money?

Has your dog eaten money? Are you worried the money will make your dog sick? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We understand it can be scary when something like this happens.

We’ve gathered information about money and whether it can make a dog sick. Let’s get started!

It is strongly recommended to contact a Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian.

What is Money?

In this article, we’re referring to paper money. Believe it or not, this is a very common problem with dogs. A dog may be curious about the money and wants to play with it. He may inadvertently tear the bills and swallow them. It happens! Or a dog may be mad he didn’t get to go for a ride or get his treat. So, he finds his pet parent’s wallet, removes the bills, and eats them!

In some cases, a dog eating dollar bills could be pretty expensive! So, you may not want to keep much cash in your wallet for this reason!

In the US, paper money is made with 25% linen, and 75% cotton. For each denomination, magnetic ink is used to print the currency. And each denomination has a different magnetic signature. How cool is that?

While that’s all very interesting, what happens if a dog eats paper money?

Paper Money & Dogs

The good news is that paper money is not toxic to dogs, even with magnetic ink. However, there are some things to keep in mind.

For one thing, money is pretty dirty and carries pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and more. The other consideration is that if a dog eats a lot of paper money, it’s possible the bills could become lodged in the dog’s digestive tract and cause a blockage. This is a very serious condition that can cause death if it’s not treated.

These are the two main considerations. So, if your dog has eaten a couple of bills, chances are they will pass through his system just fine. They will eventually come out in his poop. And any pathogens on the bills may be killed off by the acids in the dog’s stomach.

So, if your dog has eaten a huge wad of bills, it’s best to call the vet right away. They’ll give you the right advice and guidance on what to do next to help your dog. This may involve the vet performing surgery to remove the bills. But this is a better solution than your dog ending up with a blockage.

In the future, it’s a good idea to keep your wallet and cash where your dog can’t get it! You’ll both be happier for it!

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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