My Dog Ate Diced Onion What Should I Do?

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 02/11/22 •  3 min read
Dog Severe Toxicity Level
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My Dog Ate Diced Onion

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You may find yourself in the kitchen dicing onions. Maybe you’re making spaghetti sauce, adding the diced onion to ground meat for excellent burgers on the grill, or making another yummy dish! As you’re chopping, someone calls you into the other room. The onions are unguarded. If your dog is around he may take this opportunity to snarf up the onions before you get back! But what happens if a dog eats onions?

Has your dog eaten diced onion? Are you worried the diced onion will make your dog sick? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We understand it can be scary when your dog eats something like this.

We’ve put together some information about onions and whether they can make a dog sick. Let’s get started!

It is strongly recommended to contact a Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian.

What is Diced Onion?

Diced onion is an onion that’s been cut into small pieces. Diced onion is just a little bit bigger than minced onion. So, that’s pretty straightforward! But what are onions?

Onions are part of the Allium family, which means that onions are related to garlic and other bulb veggies. Since ancient times, they’ve been used to add flavor to all different types of food. They’re used in cuisines from around the world; onions are an extremely popular vegetable.

But what happens if a dog eats diced onion?

Diced Onion & Dogs

Unfortunately, diced onion and other Allium family members are toxic to dogs. If your dog eats one or two pieces of onion, he will be OK. However, if he eats a large amount of diced onion, he could become very sick.

Onions in large amounts can cause hemolytic anemia, which may not show up for several days.

Symptoms of Diced Onion Toxicity in Dogs

You may notice these symptoms in your dog if he eats diced onion:

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, call the vet immediately. This is an emergency.

If the poisoning happened recently, then the vet may induce vomiting and use activated charcoal to decontaminate the dog’s system. However, it’s still possible the dog could develop anemia several days later (it can take that long for symptoms to appear). In that case, the vet may ask that you monitor your dog for signs of anemia and instruct that you bring your fur baby back for treatment.

The good news is that most dogs recover from mild exposure to the diced onion. However, severe poisoning can lead to death. So, fast treatment is imperative to save the dog’s life.

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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