Homemade Shampoos Recipe for Dogs to Prevent Body Odor

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 08/28/20 •  4 min read
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We love our pets and always look for a chance to hug and cuddle them. But, at times, you may end up noticing that the dog smells bad like really bad. The entire day of playing, running, wandering out to explore and what not can be the causes of bad odor in dogs. It can unpleasant to come home to the foul stench of dog from your favorite rug or from any corner of the house. However, pet-parents may be using many air fresheners, moisturizes and shampoos to get rid of the odor but it can a bit expensive to purchase those products. So, we’ve found out a quick and simple solution to get rid of dog odor with the help of all-natural dog shampoo DIY. You just need few basic ingredients and can easily make simple homemade dog shampoo.

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Here’s how you can make best DIY dog shampoo with the help of all-natural ingredients. So, let’s have a look on simple recipes make shampoos for dogs.

DIY Shampoo for Dogs – Apple Cider Recipe


Gather all these ingredients and mix them properly. Thereafter, pour the mixture in a bottle and let it rest in the refrigerator for couple of hours. Then, take out the shampoo when you want to give your pooch a bath.

If the dog is stinking too much, you can get rid of the odor by making a paste of water and baking soda. You can use 4/5 water and 1/5 portion of baking soda for that. Then, rub that paste on your dog’s hair till it reaches the skin.

After applying baking soda, the shampoo can be used in same manner. All you need to do is gently lather it up and rub the shampoo in his hair and skin so that his entire coat is covered. After few minutes, rinse it off with warm water and your dog is good to go!

DIY Shampoo for Dogs – Essential Oil Recipe


Fill the container with approximately ¼ cup of baking soda; now add a few drops of essential oil. Again, put ¼ cup of baking soda and top off with a few more drops of oil. Apply oil in parts/layers so that it gets dispersed evenly throughout. Further, after stirring it up, put the lid on.

Now, open a box of baking soda and the next step is to sprinkle the powder along your dog’s coat. Rub it thoroughly and let it get through the fur and onto the dog’s skin. Keep it for a minute or two and then brush it all the way out from your pooch’s coat.

DIY Shampoo for Dogs – Cornstarch Recipe


Brush your pup thoroughly and then sprinkle the powder through his coat. Ensure you rub down to the skin and let it get onto the skin thoroughly.  Now, leave the powder for 20-25 minutes or depending on the strength of the odor. Thoroughly brush your pup again to remove dander, powder and dirt. By removing the dirt with the help of dry shampoo, you can get rid of that odor from your pet. Moreover, you can also use moisturizer to keep your dog’s coat healthy.

We know how wonderful it is to hug your freshly bathed pup. It is also essential to keep that odor at bay from your pup so that even he can feel fresh and clean. Buying dog odour control shampoo directly from the store is not a bad option, but taking some more time in order to go natural is usually better and less expensive. So, surely give it a try now!

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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