Pet parents choose their specific pets for a variety of reasons—some people prefer specific breeds, while others might choose to adopt a dog based on personality, looks, etc. There are some pet parents who may prefer to have a showy dog—perhaps one of the most expensive breeds in the world.
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We’ve created a list of the 10 top most expensive breeds in the world—maybe you’ll find your furry canine companion on this list! Before we review these expensive dog breeds, it’s a good idea what to consider when looking for a rare, expensive dog.
Purebred Dogs: Why Choose One?
Buying a purebred dog directly from the breeder is often seen as bad, when so many shelters dogs are waiting to be adopted. So, why do people choose to buy a purebred, rather than a shelter dog? Purebred dogs, from a responsible breeder, are often a good choice if you’re looking for a dog that’s guaranteed to be healthy and free of health problems. Searching for responsible breeders can take time and effort. You’ll want to ensure that your purebred puppy or adult dog actually comes from a responsible dog breeder and not a puppy mill. Look for these signs a breeder is responsible:
- The breeder should be able to tell you about the dog’s parents and past generations. All puppies should have a pedigree of at least three generations (or more).
- A responsible breeder will ensure puppies are kept with their mothers until the proper age (about 12 weeks old), and that all puppies have required immunizations and have been properly socialized.
- Puppies should come with an OFA certificate verifying they’re free of hip and joint problems.
- Puppies should have a good temperament, with the breeder ensuring a successful match (as far as possible) with the right family.
- The breeder’s kennel and office should all be in good order, clean and odor-free. All dogs and puppies should be clean and well fed.
Additional benefits of buying a purebred pup include predictability of personality and other traits—you’ll know what your dog will look like as an adult (size, coloring, etc.) and you’ll have a good idea of what his personality will be like.
Some people prefer the novelty and exclusiveness that come with certain breeds, including those that are the priciest.
Most Expensive Dog Breeds to Buy
If you’re looking to bring home an expensive dog, then check out the following breeds. They come from various backgrounds, with a variety of traits! You just might find your next best canine companion in this group.
1. Rottweiler
Typically cost from $1000 to $4000: this dog breed is one of the most popular in the United States. They’re known for their loyalty, intelligence and confidence. Rotties are prone to certain diseases such as heart disease, bone cancer, eye disease and others. They need a pet parent with a firm hand, though they are docile and natural guard dogs. They’re highly intelligent and need to be trained and properly socialized at a young age. They also make good companions with children.
2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Typically costs from $1800 to $3500 USD: this breed is a known for their dependent personality and their love of people. They love to chase prey, especially birds, rabbits and other small animals, so they need to be kept in a fenced yard and on the leash at all times. Cavaliers are not meant to be yard dogs, but do much better living inside. Cavalier King Charles Springer Spaniels know how to use their large, dark eyes…and they can do it well. Their faces have a sweet expression that’s hard to ignore. These dogs love their people and want to stay near them at all times. When training, they respond best to positive reinforcement—they’re also sensitive and don’t take harsh reprimands very well.
3. English Bull Dog
Typically cost between $1500 to $4000 USD: these dogs have become more popular in recent years. Also known as British Bulldogs, they originally were brought to Britain by Roman soldiers, who used them for bullbaiting. These days, English Bull Dogs make excellent family pets. They can be stubborn and lazy, but they need to be exercised every day, as the breed tends to fat and gaining weight. Bulldogs are sensitive to cold, so need to wear a coat/shirt in the cooler months. In addition, this breed has a tendency to develop brachycephalic airway syndrome, due to their short muzzles.
4. Saluki
Typically costs from $1000 to $USD 3000. These are one of the oldest domesticated dogs in the world. They’re known for being confident, independent on the one hand, while on the other hand they’re known for being obedient. These fast, skinny dogs are beautiful with the long hair and coloring. This graceful breed needs to be kept in a fenced-yard, where they can run and play. Salukis can be shy and easily frightened. They’re also known for being stubborn and ignoring their pet parents on occasion!
5. Chows Chow
Typically cost between $800-$5000 USD: these proud, independent dogs seem like cats to some people—they’re not known for being friendly or affectionate. Chow Chows require a lot of grooming—you’ll need to brush his fur every day to keep his hair from tangling. These beautiful dogs strongly resemble a teddy bear and don’t like being showered with hugs and kisses. You’ll know it when you see a Chow Chow—his tongue will have blue/black markings, which resemble ink blots.
6. Akita Inu
Typically cost between $750-$2500 USD: are originally from Japan, where they were bred and raised to be guard dogs for the nobles. They were also used to hunt, especially wild boar, black bear, and deer. This breed is known for strong loyalty and affection to their pet parents and families. They’re also excellent watch dogs and are unsure of strangers. Akitas can be aggressive with other dogs and pets in the home.
They like to be dominant, so are not the best choice for first-time doggie parents.

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Ask a Vet Live NowExpensive Dog Breeds in the U.S.
What are the most expensive dog breeds available in the U.S.? If you live in the U.S. and would like to find an expensive dog, then check out this short (not exhaustive) list of pricey pets. Your fur baby may be one of these!
7. Pharaoh Hounds
The average price is $1250: these are large dogs known for their reddish color and sleek physique.
8. Ibizan Hound
The average price is $1300: this is an ancient dog breed originally used for hunting rabbits on the Balearic Islands in Spain. Ibizans are known for their speed and deer-like build.
9. Dogo Argentino
The average price is $1200: these large dogs have a longer lifespan than most large dogs, coming in at 12 years. This breed was originally developed to hunt, especially wild boar. They’re famous for their intelligence, strong build and agility.
10. Afghan Hounds
The average price is $2000: this breed is recognized for being tall and lanky, with long flowing hair. These elegant dogs are also an ancient breed that originally come from Afghanistan. Grooming is needed every day in order to maintain the Afghan Hound’s luxurious silky hair.
We’ve reviewed some of the most expensive dogs breeds around, but if you’re looking for dogs preferred by rich people, posh or luxury breeds, then read on. Next, we’ll take a look at dogs preferred by the rich!
Rich Person Dog Breeds
It’s a fact that most wealthy people prefer dogs over cats. According to a survey by Mars PetCare, dog owners were two times more likely to work in finance, where jobs often pay higher salaries. So, which breeds do the rich prefer?
- German Shepherds: specially bred and trained German Shepherds can cost anywhere from $40,000-$60,000 USD. The draw is security when it comes to the rich. Dogs that are especially raised and trained by famous breeders and trainers to keep their pet parents safe can command hefty purchase prices.
- Tibetan Mastiff: these dogs can cost up to $1.9 million USD: the giant breed is known for being calm and for the beautiful mane around their head. In China, these dogs have become a status symbol as purebreds as this breed are rather rare in that country.
- Azawakh: dogs of this breed can cost up to $3000 USD: they originally came from Africa. This beautiful leggy breed is extremely energetic and is often used for racing. They’re very happy to socialize and love their pet parents and families.
- Peruvian Inca Orchid: these dogs average about $3500 USD each: these dogs are considered somewhat striking and are mostly hairless, except for the tufts of hair on top of their heads and tails. Also called “Pios,” these dogs are known for their protective natures and high levels of alertness. These are high-energy dogs that make excellent watch dogs.
Posh Dog Breeds
Are you in to posh? Then check out these dog breeds considered the poshest around. Let’s take a look!
- Bison Frise: typically cost around $1500 USD: these are dogs are great for posh people, but also make wonderful companions for those who have allergies. The breed is a favorite due to his sweet looks and low-shedding. If you adopt a Bison Frise, expect to groom him every day!
- American Alsatian: typically cost about $1500 USD: American Alsatians strongly resemble wolves and have long coats in colors of grey, cream, beige and black. These beautiful dogs are often used as guard dogs. This rare breed is somewhat new, in that it was first registered about 30 years ago. They were specially bred to resemble prehistoric Dire Wolves by a woman named Lois Denny.
- Bearded Collies: typically cost around $1600 USD: this breed was first bred in Scotland to herd cattle and sheep, but today they make a wonderful addition to the family and are often used in dog shows. Bearded collies are known for their high energy levels, their intelligence and willingness to be obedient; all of which make them excellent show dogs.
- Maltese: can cost up to $5000 USD: originally preferred by royalty, these dogs are today prized for their long, flowing hair and gentle natures. These dogs tend to be highly agile, love to obey and be with their pet parents and families. They’re also used as therapy dogs, due to their gentle and caring natures.
- Canadian Eskimo Dogs: typically cost about $1200 USD: this Arctic dog breed was first brought to North American about 1,000 years ago by the Thule people of Siberia. Canadian Eskimo dogs are one of the rarest purebred dogs considered indigenous to North America. These beautiful working dogs are often used as sled dogs and are known for being brave, intelligent and loyal to their pet parents and families.
Luxurious Dog Breeds
Haven’t found your fur baby yet? Would you like one of the most luxurious dog breeds around? Then check out our list of luxury dog breeds—your canine companion could be one of these!
- Lӧwchens: generally, they cost $10,000 USD and more: these dogs are also known as Little Lion Dogs, and are the world’s most expensive dog. They’re very rare, which is the reason they cost so much. These dogs have been around since Renaissance times and are even featured in paintings from the period.
- Samoyed: typically costs between $1000 to $8000 USD: these dogs are also rare, so chances are that you’ve never seen one. These dogs have thick white coats that act as insulation in colder climates. Most Samoyeds look as if they’re smiling all the time! Samoyeds are smart dogs who need lots of attention. They can be mischievous when left to their own devices. They’re also rather dominant, so you’ll need to have a firm hand when you’re the pet parent.
- Tibetan Mastiff: typically cost between $500 to $5000 USD: the Tibetan Mastiff will bring you lots of attention—they’re beautiful, majestic dogs. They’re known to be loving, kind and patient. They were originally bred to guard livestock, but these days they make wonderful companion pets. This is a working breed that’s fearless and protective of his family. These dogs are also famous for being their own masters—they aren’t known for being obedient. Tibetan Mastiffs need a large home with a fenced backyard. It’s a good idea to have a tall fence, as these dogs are known for climbing fences.
- Pharaoh Hound: typically cost between $1500 to $5000 USD: this breed is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, dating back to 4000 B.C. Images of these dogs can be found on Egyptian artifacts. These dogs are extremely rare, which is one of the reasons for their high cost. This breed doesn’t do well in cooler climates, as they have a tendency to get cold. However, if kept inside and dressed warmly when outside, they can adapt very well. Pharaoh Hounds have a strong prey drive, and may not do well in families that have small dogs and/or other smaller pets (including cats).
As you can see, there’s a wide variety of expensive, purebred dogs to choose from. We hope this guide helps you find your new precious, luxurious fur baby.
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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!
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