50 Dog Names Ending in G

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 12/12/20 •  6 min read
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When you adopt a new dog or puppy, it’s such an exciting time! You bring your fur baby home and want to get busy having fun! But wait! You’ll want to choose a name for your new canine companion!

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If you came to this article, then you had some intention of finding a distinctive name for your canine companion. In this article, we’ll take a look at dog names that end in G! Let’s get started!

Boy Dog Names Ending with G

1). King: this is an English name that means “ruler.” Does your dog have a noble bearing and is he large? This could be a great name for a German Shepherd, Great Dane, or another large dog.

2). Craig: this is a Scottish name that means “stone, rock.” This name might be a good fit for a dog from one of the Scottish dog breeds such as the Scottish Terrier, Scottish Deerhound, or Skye Terrier.

3). Irving: this is a cute name that comes from the English, which means “friend of water.”

4). Wolfgang: is a German name, which means “wolf, battle.” This might be a good name for a German Shepherd, a Husky, or even a Wolfdog!

5). Greg: is an English name that means “alert, watchful.”

6). Khang: is a Vietnamese name that means “strength.” This would be a very distinctive name for a dog who is very strong.

7). Padraig: this is an Irish name, which means “from noble descent.” It’s also the name of the patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick. You could even short this name to “Paddie.”

8). Long: is a Chinese name that means “dragon.”

9). Tadhg: is a Celtic name, which means “poet, philosopher.” It’s said that poets and philosophers can have a sensitive spirit. If you have a fur baby who seems to have the soul of a poet or philosopher, then you might choose this very distinctive name for him.

10). Oleg: is a Russian name that means “wealthy, blessed.”

11). Brigg: this is an English name that means “from the bridge.” This might be a unique name for a dog who has a “saddle” pattern on his back such as a Border Collie or a German Shepherd.

12). Phong: this is a Vietnamese name that means “Phoenix.” This could be the perfect name for a dog you’ve adopted from a rescue or shelter—you’re giving him another chance at life, just like the rising Phoenix.

13). Ludwig: is a German name that means “famous warrior.”

14). Fielding: is an English name, which means “from the plains.” If you and your fur baby enjoy hiking, jogging or walking together in nature, then this is a great name choice for your dog!

15). Tag: is an Irish name that means “day, with black hair.”

16). Jag: this name from Hindustan and it means “the universe.”

17). Quang: is a Vietnamese name, which means “bright.”

18). Zelig: is a Jewish name that means “blessed.”

19). Henning: is a Danish name that means “ruler of the homeland.”

20). Trung: is a Vietnamese name, which means “faithful.”

21). Kipling: is an English name that means “one who cures salmon or herring.”

22). Doug: is a Scottish name that means “black river.”

23). Cheng: is a Chinese name that means “correct, righteous.”

24). Erving: is an English name, which means “friend of the water.”

25). Ewing: is an English name that means “young friend.”

Girl Dog Names Ending with G

26). Aisling: is a Celtic name that means “dream, vision.”

27). Meg: is an English name, which means “the pearl.”

28). Darling: this is an English/Scottish name that means “’dear, beloved.”

29). Spring: is an English name that refers to the season of spring. Was your fur baby born in the spring? Then why not chose this name for her?

30). Solveig: is a Norwegian name, which means “woman of the house.”

31). Ashling: is another Irish name that means “dream or vision.”

32). Meiling: this is a Chinese name that means “beautiful and delicate.”

33). Phuong: is a Vietnamese name, which means “Phoenix.”

34). Jing: is a Chinese name that means “pure.”

35). Ling: this is a Chinese name, which means “soul.”

36). Annag: is a Hebrew name that means “grace, favor.”

37). Carling: is an English name that can be used for girls or boys, which means “little champion.”

38). Channing: is an English name that mans “young wolf.”

39). Ming: is a Chinese name that means “bright.”

40). Ingeborg: this is a German name, which means “beautiful, daughter of a hero.”

41). Peg: is an English name that means “the pearl.”

42). Jiang: this is a Chinese name that means “river.”

43). Yiqing: this is a Chinese name that means “your queen.”

44). Abiog: is a Tagalog name that means “swinging.”

45). Annbjorg: is a Norwegian name that means “eagle protection.”

46). Barzig: is an Armenian name that means “plain.”

47). Bletsung: is an English name that means “consecrated.”

48). Caihong: this is a Chinese name that means “rainbow.”

49). Chirtrang: is a Sanskrit name that means “striped, spotted.”

50). Dzovig: is an Armenian name that means “small sea.”

We hope you’ve found a very unique name for your dog and that you’ve had fun reading through our list of dog names!

A Dog’s Name Matters

A dog’s name is important for many reasons. The main reason is this is the sound/name he will hear that identifies him with you and your family. Your dog’s name is the signal when you’d like him to respond in some way. In other words, when you call him, your fur baby will know to respond in some way.

A dog’s name is more than just an identifier, though. His name will have some meaning to you, either positive or negative. Keep in mind that dogs are sensitive to tone, intent, and more. If you choose a name with a negative meaning or connotation, your dog will know.

So, when choosing a name for your dog, be sure to choose a name that has a positive meaning or connotation. Then be sure to choose a unique name.

Choosing a Unique Name for Your Dog

Giving your dog a unique name keeps him from being confused. Think of it from his perspective. What if you’re at the dog park or some other noisy space and you need to call your fur baby. If you choose a name such as “Jake,” you’ll have 10 (or more) dogs answering your call!

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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