My Dog Drank Almond Milk Will He Get Sick?

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 12/16/20 •  3 min read
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Almond milk is a very popular alternative to cow’s milk these days. It’s full of vitamins and minerals that are very healthy, plus it packs in the protein. Almond milk is also a healthy drink for anyone who needs to avoid (or chooses to avoid) cow’s milk.

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Do you enjoy almond milk? Do you use it on cereal or in cooking and baking? You’re not alone! According to Statista, sales of almond milk have reached about $1.20bn, which is a 10.3% increase of the previous year! And the market seems set to continue with this popular milk alternative.

However, what happens if your dog drinks some almond milk? Is almond milk OK for dogs?

What happens if he drinks some? Is almond milk OK for dogs?

What is Almond Milk?

Almond milk was first developed in the Middle East and seems to have been popular from about the 13th century. From that time to now the popularity of this milk has spread around the world!

It’s made by processing almonds into a liquid that’s similar to milk. The milk alternative has a creamy texture and a nutty flavor. And unlike cow’s milk, almond milk does not contain saturated fat, lactose, or cholesterol.

You can find some almond milk that’s also been sweetened or could include flavors such as chocolate and vanilla.

For us, almond milk can be a very healthy addition to our diets. But for dogs, they shouldn’t really have almond milk too often.

Almond Milk & Dogs

The main concerns with almond milk for dogs are that milk carries extra calories that most dogs don’t need. This is especially the case since over 50% of our canine companions are overweight. In addition, almond milk may contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, both of which can make a dog sick.

And if the milk contains chocolate, that’s not good for your dog. Chocolate is a known toxin to dogs.

Can my Dog Drink Almond Milk?

The answer is yes, but only in moderation and it should only be almond milk that’s unflavored and that doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners.

If you want to give your fur baby the last drops in your cereal bowl, be sure to check the milk’s packaging. Check for any flavorings and see if the milk has been sweetened with an artificial sweetener. If the milk contains these ingredients, then you really shouldn’t let your fur baby have it. Almond milk with these ingredients is just not safe for your dog.

In the end, almond milk should not be normal part of your dog’s diet. A few drops every now and then won’t hurt him. But more could make him sick.

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!

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