My Dog Ate a Chapstick What Should I Do?

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 03/05/20 •  3 min read
Dog Moderate Toxicity Level
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Dogs will eat the strangest things, including chap stick! The attraction could be the smell, especially if the chap stick smells like some sweet fruit. But dogs have been known to eat plain chap stick, too!

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Is Chap Stick Toxic for Dogs?

The good news is that chap stick is usually not poisonous for dogs. However, if he happened to eat the tube and other packaging, these could present a problem.

If your fur baby only ate the chap stick, then chances are he will be OK. The ingredients are not usually toxic but do read the ingredients to make sure there’s nothing in it that could harm your dog. You can do a quick Google search on ingredients you’re not familiar with. And if in doubt, call the vet.

On the other hand, if the chap stick was a medicated brand, it may contain substances that are toxic for your fur baby. It’s best to call the vet right away.

It is strongly recommended to contact a Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian.

If your chap stick contains sunscreen, this could also pose a problem for your dog. The ingredients that most often cause trouble for dogs are zinc oxide and para-amniobenzoic acid. Your fur baby can have an allergic reaction which may include these symptoms:

If your pup is showing these signs and symptoms, then be sure to call the ASAP.

Other Chap Stick Ingredients That May Be Toxic to Dogs

Other chap stick ingredients that be toxic for dogs include:

If your chap stick contains sunscreen, this could also pose a problem for your dog. The ingredients that most often cause trouble for dogs are zinc oxide and para-aminobenzoic acid. Your fur baby can have an allergic reaction which may include these symptoms:

If your pup is showing these signs and symptoms, then be sure to call the ASAP.

My Dog Ate the Chap Stick Packaging

Most chap sticks come in a plastic container, which can pose a serious danger to your fur baby. If your canine companion has chewed up the plastic tubing, look to see how much of the plastic is left. If most of the packaging is still here, and it appears your dog’s eaten only a very small piece, chances are he will be OK. It will more than likely pass through. However, it could still become lodged in your dog’s intestines. Watch for any signs of bowel obstruction including:

If you notice these symptoms in your fur baby, then call the vet quickly and see their advice.

After checking the plastic packaging, if it looks like your fur baby’s eaten a large portion, then it’s time to call the vet as soon as possible. The plastic could form an obstruction in your pup’s intestines. Please refer to the symptoms listed above.

When you call the vet, be sure to let them know the brand of chap stick, how much your fur baby ate, and how much of the packaging he’s eaten. This information will help your vet determine the next steps that may be needed to help your dog.

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!

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