The Most Popular Dog Breeds In America

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 02/08/23 •  3 min read

The Most Popular Dog Breeds In America

We conducted a comprehensive study to determine America’s most searched-for dog breeds using data from the American Kennel Club and Google searches between January 2022 and January 2023. OurFitPets analyzed the number of searches for more than 280 different breeds of dogs across all 50 states.

The results revealed that the Cane Corso is America’s most Googled dog breed and is searched for 1.32 million times on average each month. It was found to be the most searched-for dog breed in 46 out of 50 states, including North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, and South Carolina.

Coming in second is the Boxer, which boasts an average of 867,800 monthly searches across America and holds the top spot in the states of New Jersey and New York. The Boxer was found to be the second most Googled dog breed in three other states; Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming.

The French Bulldog is the third most Googled dog breed in America, with an average of 860,901 monthly searches across the states. Of all the states searching for this pint-sized pup, it was searched for the most in California, Florida, and Texas.

The Australian Shepherd comes in a close fourth with an average of 860,600 monthly Google searches dedicated to this dog breed. The states searching for the Australian Shepherd the most include Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois.

The Shiba Inu ranks fifth overall with 767,981 monthly searches dedicated to this ancient breed. The Shiba Inu is the most Googled dog breed in Rhode Island and is the second most Googled dog breed in 11 states, including Washington, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, and New Jersey. It’s worth noting that the Shiba Inu breed shares its name with the popular cryptocurrency, so it is unclear how many of these searches were for the Japanese hunting dog.

The larger-than-life Saint Bernard deserves an honorable mention among America’s most Googled breeds. It ranked as the most searched-for breed of dog in California, despite ranking 19th overall with 409,641 searches on average each month.

RankDog BreedMonthly Searches
1Cane Corso1,321,800
3French Bulldog860,901
4Australian Shepherd860,600
5Shiba Inu767,981
6Golden Retriever703,701
7French Spaniel678,861
10Shih Tzu564,681
11Belgian Malinois523,480
13Border Collie497,280
14Great Dane472,661
15Great Pyrenees471,061
16Bernese Mountain Dog465,560
19Saint Bernard409,641
20Tibetan Mastiff381.981

StateMost-Searched Dog BreedSecond Most-Searched Dog Breed
AlabamaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
AlaskaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
ArizonaCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
ArkansasCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
CaliforniaSaint BernardCane Corso
ColoradoCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
ConnecticutCane CorsoShiba Inu
DelawareCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
FloridaCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
GeorgiaCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
HawaiiCane CorsoShiba Inu
IdahoCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
IllinoisCane CorsoShiba Inu
IndianaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
IowaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
KansasCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
KentuckyCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
LouisianaCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
MaineCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
MarylandCane CorsoShiba Inu
MassachusettsCane CorsoShiba Inu
MichiganCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
MinnesotaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
MississippiCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
MissouriCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
MontanaCane CorsoBoxer
NebraskaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
NevadaCane CorsoShiba Inu
New HampshireCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
New JerseyBoxerShiba Inu
New MexicoCane CorsoChihuahua
New YorkBoxerCane Corso
North CarolinaCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
North DakotaCane CorsoShiba Inu
OhioCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
OklahomaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
OregonCane CorsoBoxer
PennsylvaniaCane CorsoShiba Inu
Rhode IslandShiba InuFrench Bulldog
South CarolinaCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
South DakotaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
TennesseeCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
TexasCane CorsoFrench Bulldog
UtahCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
VermontCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
VirginiaCane CorsoShiba Inu
WashingtonCane CorsoShiba Inu
West VirginiaCane CorsoAustralian Shepherd
WisconsinCane CorsoGreat Dane
WyomingCane CorsoBoxer

Google Keyword Planner, American Kennel Club.


OurFitPets analyzed the Google search volume of more than 280 dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club, across all 50 US states. The search volume of one year from January 2022 – January 2023 was analyzed to determine the most-searched-for dog breeds in each state as well as the overall search volume across the country. Total searches from the 12 months were divided by 12 to find the monthly search volume.

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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