50 Romantic Dog Names

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 05/05/21 •  9 min read
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Love is always in the air when we think about our canine companions! If you’ve recently adopted a dog or puppy and are looking for a name for them, then you’ve come to the right place!

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Searching for the right name can be challenging. For one thing, there are so many sources of inspiration to consider! That can be overwhelming just by itself! You may go through several of these looking for a name for your dog. You may try characters from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. Or you may consider your favorite music and songs. You might even consider the names of historical figures, your favorite foods, and more. See what we mean?

If you’re in that place where you’ve run out of ideas, you’ll be happy to know we have a list of dog names to help out. Our list contains romantic names for boy and girl dogs!

Love Between Dog and Human

It’s a fact that dogs and humans love one another. It’s more than just a relationship built on dogs doing tasks and work for us. In most cases, the bond between pet parent and their canine companions goes much deeper. All dogs want from us is our love and companionship, in addition to food, water, and a dry, warm place to live.

Dogs long to form close connections with their pet parents and families. They long for warm relationships, unconditional love, and want to be allowed to show their love in return. While this isn’t romantic love, the love between a pet parent and their dog(s) is one that goes straight to the heart and soul.

On the flip side, most humans also love dogs. We form close, loving relationships with our dogs. The bond is one that endures, thriving on the companionship, loyalty, and love we receive back from our pups. In addition, many people feel the relationship they have with the fur baby is one that is different from the humans they love. In some cases, dogs are truly the best friends of some humans who may not have other close contacts.

Romantic Male Dog Names

Here are some great, sweet names that might be a good fit for your boy dog!

1). Romeo: of course one of the first names you might consider is this one. This name comes from the famous Shakespeare play and movie Romeo & Juliet. This is one of the most romantic, though sad tales that’s still highly popular today.

2). Alberto: this is a German and Spanish name, which means “aristocratic and bright.”

3). Aziz: this is an Arabic name, which means “beloved.” Isn’t your dog a beloved companion?

4). Aizen: this is a Japanese name that means “love.” What could express your feelings for your fur baby more than this name?

5). Akalras: this is an Indian name, which means “elixir of God’s love.”

6). Akolo: this is an African name that means “love.”

7). Amedeo: this is an Italian name, which means “to love God.”

8). Amor: this is a Spanish name that means “love.”

9). Arthic: this is an Indian name, which means “perfect and love.” Awh…what a great name for your canine companion!

10). Asmara: is an Indonesian name that means “love.”

11). Ayatari: is a Nigerian name, which means “new love.” This would be great for a dog or puppy that you’ve recently adopted.

12). Balder: is a Norse name, which means “light, handsomeness, love, and happiness.”

13). Cam: is a Romanian name, which means “sun, to love.”

14). Cathetel: is a Hebrew name that means “Angel of the garden.” What better name could describe your dog?

15). Cupid: this is a Roman name that means “God of love.” We couldn’t let this one pass by. This would be a great name for a dog that’s brought you and your significant other together!

16). Doki: this is another Japanese name, which means “love.” This might be perfect for a Shiba Inu!

17). Erom: this is a Greek name that means “love.” This might be perfect for a dog who is somewhat of a thinker or philosopher.

18). Femi: this is a Yoruba name that means “love me.” This is exactly what your fur baby wants from you—your unconditional love.

19). Gerwin: this is a Welsh name, which means “fair love.”

20). Harprit: this is an Indian name, which means “Love of God.”

21). Idai: this is an Indian name, which means “awakening, love.”

22). Jamie: is a French name, which literally means “I love you.”

23). Kama: is a Sanskrit name that means “the golden one, love.” This might be the perfect name for a Golden Lab or a Golden Retriever.

24). Kauna: is a Hausa name, which means “love.”

25). Lad’a: this is a Czech name, which means “goddess of harmony, youth, and love.”

Romantic Female Dog Names

Here are some great romantic names for girl dogs!

26). Agape: this is a Latin name, which means “love.”

27). Aesha: this is a Kannada name that means “love.”

28). Ai: this is a Vietnamese name, which means “a sentimental love.”

29). Aika: this is a Japanese name that means “love song.”

30). Amadis: this is a Latin name that means “God’s love.”

31). Alohanani: this is a Hawaiian name, which means “beautiful love.”

32). Ananda: this is an African American name that means “worthy of love.”

33). Carys: is a Welsh name that means “to love.”

34). Chiti: is a Hindi name, which means “love.”

35). Freja: is a Scandinavian name, which refers to the Norse goddess of love.

36). Ife: is an Egyptian name, which means “love.”

37). Inka: this is a Mayan name that means “love of life.”

38). Ishka: this is an Indian name that means “love.”

39). Jashar: is an Indian name that means “love with God.”

40). Kerensa: this is a Cornish name, which means “love.”

41). Lubov: this is a Russian name that means “love.”

42). Ludmila: is a Czech name, which means “people, dear/love.”

43). Luvleen: this is an Indian, Sikh name that means “infused in love.”

44). Mandy: this is a Latin name, which means “worthy of love.”

45). Mindy: this is a German name, which means “love.”

46). Mishika: this is an Indian name that means “gift of love.” Was your fur baby a gift? Then why not choose this name for her?

47). Nooonsa: this is a Mayan name, which means “love.”

48). Sehana: this is a Filipino name, which means “goddess of love.”

49). Tindara: this is a Greek name that means “willing to love.” What a great name for a dog you’ve rescued from a shelter!

50). Valentina: is a Latin name that means “love.” What better name could you choose for your dog, especially if you’ve adopted them around Valentine’s Day!

Humans & Dogs: A Long Relationship

We have had a very long relationship with dogs. In fact, this relationship goes all the back some 14,000 years when dogs, really wolves, first started hanging around humans. Humans and dogs have evolved together throughout history, learning to live together and take care of one another.

It’s thought that perhaps dogs first started hanging out around human encampments. They may have begun eating meat off bones that had been thrown into the refuse pile. This means the relationship may have begun with dogs as scavengers. From there, humans may have tried to make friends with the dogs following them. As time went on, a relationship began to develop between humans and dogs.

It could be that dogs were first used as a watchdog. They may have alerted their humans to predators, sounding the alarm when strangers came near their home, and more.

From that time to now, the relationships between dogs and humans have continued to grow and deepen. You might say this is truly the longest love story in history.

Amazing Benefits of Having a Dog in Your Life

Did you know there are some amazing benefits of having a dog? Let’s take a look at a few!

1). Exercise: it’s a fact that when you have a dog it’s necessary to stay on the move. This means you get more exercise. Your fur baby needs to go for walks, play, and more. So, you move more, which helps you get exercise, maintain a healthy weight and even lower stress levels.

2). You’ll have a healthier heart: exercising your dog can have a huge impact on your heart. Not only will your heart be healthier, but your blood pressure and bad cholesterol will go down, and you’ll have a healthier blood glucose level, too.

3). Fewer allergies: studies have shown that kids who grow up in a home that has a dog have fewer allergies than kids with no dog. And it can even lower the risk of developing eczema and asthma in kids!

4). Improved mood: it’s a fact that when you have a dog, you’ll have a better mood most of the time. This is because we feel loved by our dogs and give our love in return. It can improve our mental health on so many levels.

5).  Increased social interactions: when you have a dog and go out for walks, you’ll have a higher chance of interacting with other people rather than staying secluded in your home. Increased social interactions are great for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

6). Increased home security: many people also feel safer when they have a dog in the house. Studies have shown that dogs barking loudly are a great deterrent for criminals. And the bigger the dog sounds, the more of a deterrent he is!

These are only a few of the many benefits we get from loving our dogs and receiving their love in return. Again, this isn’t romantic love. It’s a loving relationship between you both. One that’s based on trust, as well. What could be better than having to give and receive unconditional love from your dog?

There you have it! We hope you’ve enjoyed this article and that you were able to find a very loving name for your dog!

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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