50 Islamic Dog Names and Their Meaning

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 01/28/21 •  9 min read
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Are you looking for a very unique name for your dog? Then why not consider an Islamic or Arabic name for your fur baby?

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We’ve done the research to find some Arabic names that may be a good fit for your canine companion. These are names that are beautiful and filled with meaning. Some of them you may already be familiar with or may be more familiar with the anglicized version of the name.

One note: in the writing of this article, we’ve made every effort to provide correct, balanced information. We in no way want to harm or cause anyone to become angry at the information in this article. Our goal is to be respectful of Islam and the people who follow this religion.

Islam Dog Names

Here are some Islamic names that may be a good fit for your fur baby.

1). Aabid: is a name that means “worshiper.” Your fur baby may follow you as if he worships the ground you walk on. This is because dogs are very devoted to their pet parents.

2). Aadil: is a name that means “just, upright.” Dogs usually have a great sense of being just. In fact, they’re not really very judgmental, but instead are more forgiving than almost any other pet.

3). Baahir: is a name that means “dazzling, brilliant.” This might be a great name for dogs who have very bright eyes, or who have dazzling fur.

4). Baasim: is a name that means “smiling.” Does your canine companion look as if he’s always smiling?

5). Babar: is a name that means “lion,” which would be the perfect name for a Chow Chow or another dog that strongly resembles a lion.

6). Basel: is a name that means “brave.” If you have a service or working dog, this might be a great name for him.

7). Bishr: is a name that means “joy, solved.” What a meaningful name for a dog who has been adopted from a shelter or rescue!

8). Daanish: is a name that means “wisdom, learning, science.” If you’re a professor, a teacher, a scientist or an engineer, etc. this could be the perfect name for your dog. Especially if he’s very wise and intelligent.

9). Dameer: is a name that means “heart, conscience.”

10). Damurah: is a name that means “sparkle of light, fire.” If your fur baby has a brilliant personality, then why not choose this name for him?

11). Aadab: is a name that means “hope, need” and would be the perfect name for a girl dog who has been adopted from a rescue or shelter.

12). Aamaal: is a name that means “hopes, aspirations, wishes.”

13). Badia: is a name that means “unprecedented, admirable, unique.” This is a pretty name for a girl that is very uncommon in her personality or other characteristics.

14). Badra: is a name that means “full moon.” What a pretty, uncommon name this would be for any girl dog!

15). Bahiya: is a name that means “beautiful, radiant.” This is a beautiful name for a girl dog who has radiant, beautiful, flowing hair.

16). Chanda: is a name that means “moon light.” This would be a very pretty name for a girl dog who is a light color or white, like the moon.

17). Daania: is a name that means “beautiful.” Is your girl canine friend beautiful? Then this would be a pretty name for her!

18). Dahab: is a name that means “gold.” What a pretty name for a girl dog such as a Golden Lab, a Golden Retriever, or any dog who has goldish colored fur.

19). Daliya: is a name that means “dahlia,” just like the flower! How pretty is that!

20). Daria: is a name that means “learned, knowing” and would be perfect for a girl dog who is especially intelligent.

Quran Dog Names

Here are some names from the Quran that might be a good choice for your dog. Again, we mean no disrespect here and have stayed away from those names that are sacred.

21). Dhi’b: is a wolf mentioned in this holy book, which Jacob was afraid would attack Joseph.

22). Alexander: this is name that’s mentioned both in the Bible and the Quran, Alexander the Great. He was a Macedonian who became king of the kingdom of Macedonia. He created one of the largest empires in ancient times.

23). Cyrus: this is the name of a king of Persia and he also went on to create a large empire in ancient times.

24). Goliath: was the name of the Giant who was killed by David. This would be a great name for a large dog such as a St. Bernard.

25). Pharoah: this was the name of Ramesses II, or who as an ancient Egyptian pharaoh at the time of Moses. He is credited as being one of the greatest pharaohs who led several military expeditions, built many cities, and more.

Arabic Dog Names

Here are some Arabic names that may be a good fit for your dog!

26). Aais: is a name that means “little lion,” and might be the perfect name for a Pomeranian, or another dog who resembles a small lion.

27). Aaishah: is a name that means “lively,” and would be a pretty name for a girl dog who is full of energy!

28). Aalya: is a name that means “sublime.” If your girl canine companion is perfection in every way, they why not choose this name for her?

29). Aazam: is a name that means “great, mighty.” This would be a great name for a large such as an Afghan Hound, Akita, or an American Bulldog.

30). Bahi: is a name that means “splendid.” You might consider this name for your dog if he is splendid in all ways.

31). Bashiga: is a name that means “joyful.” This name sounds like when a girl dog is so happy to see you that she twists her body into an s-shape as she madly wags her tail! Talk about joyful!

32). Bilal: is a name that mans “a black man.” You might consider this name if your boy dog has very black or dark fur.

33). Carim: is a name that means “generous.” This would be a great name for a boy dog who generously gives you enough space on the bed at night, rather than hogging it for himself.

34). Chakir: is a name that means “the chosen one.” What a great name for a boy dog who has been adopted from a shelter or rescue!

35). Dani: is a name that means “near, close.” If your fur baby is always nearby, why not choose this name for him?

Islamic Pet Names

If you’re still searching for that special name, then check out these Islamic names for pets!

36). Taahir: is a name that means “to be modest.” Is your canine companion on the shy side? Then maybe this would be a great name for him.

37). Jahid: is a name that means “hardworking man.” Does your dog work with you on a farm or ranch? Then why not choose this name for him?

38). Chelem: is a name that refers to a dream. If your dog likes to take naps, this might be the best name for him.

39). Raima: is a name that means “one who is a queen.” What a pretty name for a girl dog!

40). Gulfeshan: is a name that means “sweet smelling rose.” Does your fur baby somehow remind you of roses? Then why not choose this name for her?

Muslim Dog Names

Here are a few more names, just in case you’re still looking for the right one!

41). Nadim: is a name that means “friend.” What a great name for your dog if he’s your best bud!

42). Fadil: is a name that means “generous.” Does your dog like to share your food, and leave enough for you to enjoy? Then this would be a great name for her!

43). Wasim: is a name that means “handsome.” This would be the perfect name for a beautiful boy dog.

44). Aida: is a name that means “one who returns.” This would be a pretty name for almost any girl dog!

45). Kahula: is a name that means “dancing.” Does your fur baby seem as if she’s dancing when excited? Then why not choose this name for her?

46). Keya: is a name that means “monsoon flower.” What a very pretty name for a girl dog who has a lot of energy and sometimes creates a little bit of chaos!

47). Kaarina: is a name that means “pure.” This might be a great name for a girl dog who is a purebred, or who has a pure, loving spirit.

48). Jolana: is a name that means “violet flower.” What a pretty name for a girl dog who happens to be blue!

49). Tali: is a name that means “rising star.” If your girl dog gets you up before the sun in the morning, then this would be a fitting name for her!

50). Fahima: is a name that means “intelligent.” This is the perfect name for a girl dog who is more intelligent that most.

What is Islam?

Islam is a religion that is related to both the Jewish and Christian religions, which all share all monotheistic (they all believe in one God.). Islam also follows teachings that are similar to those found in Christianity and the Jewish religion. The Islamic holy book is called the Quran.

Islamic people are those who are followers of God, who is called Allah. They also believe that Muhammad was God’s prophet. Other prophets mentioned in the Quran include Adam, Moses, Noah, David, and Jesus.

The most holy place for all Muslims in the world is located in Mecca and is the Kaaba shrine. Each Muslim is supposed to visit the Kaaba on pilgrimage at least once in their life. There are two other very holy places for Muslims which are the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, and the Prophet Muhammad’s mosque in the city of Medina in Saudi Arabia.

Just as Christians believe the Holy Bible is the direct, divine words of God, Muslims believe the Quran contains the direct, divine words of God, as delivered by the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammed.

According to World Population Review, there are currently about 1.9 million Muslims around the world, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world, just behind Christianity. The largest Muslim country is Indonesia.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and that you’ve been able to find that special name for your dog!

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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.

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