50 Dog Names Ending in a Vowel

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 01/22/21 •  7 min read
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Are you looking for a unique name for your newly adopted puppy or dog? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’re going to take a look at dog names that end in vowels!

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If you’ve been searching high and low for dog name ideas, then maybe a name ending in a vowel will be a good fit!

Why a Vowel?

A vowel is simply a letter that is produced with breath—there’s nothing stopping the sound when you say it. In fact, the word vowel comes from the Latin word “vocalis,” which means “vocal.” Who knew?

In English, vowels are both vowel sounds, and letters used in writing. These include “a, e, i, o, u.” Then there’s one vowel that’s a little different which is “y.”

Did you know the letter “y” can be either a vowel or a consonant? It’s a vowel when the word has no other vowel such as in the words “gym, my.” Y’s also a vowel when it’s at the end of a word or syllable such as in “candy, deny, bicycle, acrylic.” This letter is also a vowel when it falls in the middle of a syllable such as in the word “system.”

And then vowels can be short or long, which can be confusing for anyone who is trying to learn English.

Vowels are extremely interesting; names ending with vowels can be a great choice for your dog! Let’s get started!

Boy Dog Names Ending with a Vowel

Here are some male dog names that end with a vowel!

1). ‘A’ala: is a Hawaiian name that means “fragrant, of a high rank, royal.” If your dog is a purebred, maybe this would be a great name for him!

2). ‘Isa: is a Muslim name that means “joyful.” Is your dog extremely happy? Then why not choose this name for him?

3). ‘Ulaa: is a Muslim name that means “high rank, prestige.”

4). A’alona: is a Hawaiian name, which means “exalted, high mountain.” This would be a great name for a large dog such as a St. Bernard!

5). Aadava: is an Indian name, which means “sun.” If your fur baby is like the sun in your life, or he has yellow or golden fur, then this would be a great name for him.

6). Aadhirea: is a Kannada name, which means “moon.”

7). Aadimoola: is an Indian name that means “Supreme being.”

8). Aadipta: is an Indian name that means “bright.” Does your canine companion have a bright spirit and/or bright eyes? Then why not choose this name for him?

9). Marley: is the name of the Labrador Retriever who became beloved by fans in the movie Marley and Me.”

10). Leo: is a Latin name, which means “lion.” Do you have a Chow Chow, a Leonberger or a Tibetan Mastiff? Then this could be a great name for your fur baby!

11). Levi: is a Hebrew name, which means “joined, attached.” What name could be better? Your fur baby has definitely become attached and joined to your life and heart!

12). Diego: is a Spanish name that means “may God protect.”

13). Blake: is an Old English name that means “dark or dark-haired.” This would be the perfect name for a dog who has dark black or brown fur.

14). Cole: is an English name, which means “coal-black, charcoal.” Here’s another great name for a dog that has dark black, or grey fur.

15). Jiri: is a Czech/Slovak name, which means “earth worker.” If your dog loves to dig in the yard, or in the sand at the beach, then this would be a great name for him.

16). Zane: is an American name, which means “God is gracious.”

17). Kyle: is a Scottish/Celtic name that means “narrow, strait.” If your dog is slim, such as a Greyhound or Whippet, this could be just the right name for him.

18). Bryce: is a Welsh name that means “speckled.” This would be a great name for a dog that has speckles in his fur!

19). Jace: is a Greek name, which means “healing, or to heal.” Dogs can definitely have a healing effect on our lives. If this is the case with your dog, then perhaps this is the right name for him.

20). Leonardo: is a Spanish/Italian/Portuguese name that means “strong as a lion.”

21). Gage: is a French name that means “oat or pledge.”

22). Eduardo: is the Spanish/Portuguese/Italian form of the English name Edward. This name means “rich guard.” What a great name for a dog who is protective of his family and home.

23). Malachi: is a Hebrew name that means “messenger of God.” Some people believe that dogs are indeed messengers from God, something like angels in our lives.

24). Jude: is a Greek name, which means “praised.”

25). Drake: is an English name that means “dragon.” If you’re a fan of the series Game of Thrones, or you enjoy fantasy movies and books that include dragons, then this could be a great name for your dog.

Girl Dog Names Ending in a Vowel

Here are some pretty girl dog names that end in a vowel!

26). Adela: is a Czech name, which means “princess, noble.” What a great name to give your dog if she has a noble bearing or if you treat her like a princess!

27). Berta: is a Czech name that means “bright, famous.” Does your canine friend have bright eyes or a bright spirit?

28). Brigita: is the Czech version of the English name Bridigt. This name means “exalted one.”

29). Draha: is the diminutive of the Czech name Drahomira, which means “precious, dear (as in value or dear to your heart).” What a pretty, elegant name for a girl dog!

30). Jitka: is a Czech name which means “Jewish woman.” It is similar to the English name “Judith.”

31). Kaja: is the diminutive of the Czech name Karolina, which means “free woman, warrior, army.” This might be a good name if your dog has a mind of her own or has a free spirit.

32). Samantha: is a Hebrew name that means “God heard, listener.” Does your fur baby listen to you? Then why not choose this name for her? You can even shorten this name to “Sam” or “Sammy.”

33). Mia: is a Spanish name that means “mine.”

34). Chloe: is a Greek name that means “blooming.” Has your dog come out of your shell after adopting her? Then this could be a pretty name for her.

35). Sophia: is a Greek name that means “wisdom.”

36). Natalie: is a French or Russian name, which means “born on Christmas.” If your dog was born on Christmas, what a pretty, unique name this would be for her!

37). Grace: is a Latin name that means “gracious.” What a pretty name this would be for any girl dog.

38). Alyssa: is a Germanic name, which means “noble kind.” Does your canine companion have a noble bearing?

39). Madeline: is a Greek name that means “high tower.” In Hebrew, this name means “woman from Magdala.” This name can also be shortened to “Maddie,” which is really cute!

40). Andrea: is a Greek name that means “brave.”

41). Melanie: is a Greek name that means “dark.” If your dog has dark black, grey, or brown fur, this would be a pretty name for her.

42). Valeria: is an Italian name, which means “strength.”

43). Mya: is a Persian name that can mean “beloved, wished for child.” What a meaningful name for your dog if you’ve been waiting for her for a long time!

44). Sadie: is a Hebrew name, which means “princess.”

45). Jada: is an Arabic name that means “good, beautiful woman.”

46). Kira: is a Russian name, which means “leader of the people, beloved.”

47). Lila: is an Arabic name, which means “night.”

48). Nora: is an Italian/German/Irish/Albanian/Scandinavian name that means “honor.”

49). Katie: is an English name that means “pure.” If you have a purebred dog, this could be a pretty name for her.

50). Kara: is a Cornish name, which means “love.”

There you have it! Unique dog names that end in a vowel! We hope you’ve found a great name for your dog in this list!

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.

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