50 Korean Dog Names and Their Meaning

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 08/26/20 •  8 min read
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Are you looking for a unique name for your dog? Or are you the proud new pet parent of a dog who comes from a breed that originated in Korea? Why not consider a Korean name for your fur baby?

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We’ve put together a list of unique Korean names that can be perfect for any dog of any breed. But first, let’s take a look at Korea and the dog breeds that have come from there.

Korea and Dogs

The country of Korea is found on a peninsula between China and Japan. For this reason, the culture of the country has been strongly influenced by both Japan and China. Koreans have a deep belief in sincerity and loyalty in their dealings with others, and the family is a very important part of Korean society.

Korea is also home to some famous dog breeds including:

This is a little background about Korea and some of the main dog breeds that come from there. Now, let’s get started with Korean names for your fur baby!

Kpop Dog Names

Kpop is a type of pop music popular in South Korea. You might consider this in the same vein as Taylor Swift or other US pop singers. The music includes rock, hip hop and electronic music and is a fairly new type of music to become popular not only in Korea, but around the world, too. This music genre first hit the world music scene back in the 1990s.

Here, in this name list, we’ll include the names of some of the most popular Kpop singers from Korea!

1). Psy: who’s name is Park Jae-sang, is most famous for his “Gangnam Style” song.

2). BoA: who’s name is Kwon Bo Ah, is a female singer who started her career when she was only 11 years old.

3). Rain: who’s name is Jung Ji-hoon, was the first Kpop star to become popular in the West.

4). Big Bang: is actually a male group of 5 including: TOP (Choi  Seung-Hyun), Daesung (Kang Dae-Sung), Taeyang (Dong Young-Bae), G-Dragon (Kwon Ji-yong, the leader of the group), and Seungri (Lee Seung-Hyun).

5). Super Junior: is another poplar Kpop group from Korea.

6). Exo: this is an all-male singing group who first became popular in 2012 with their song “MAMA.”

7). Wonder Girls: is the name of a female group of singers.

8). T-ara: is another group of female Kpop singers.

9). Miss A: is a member of four girls from Korea and China famous for their Kpop music.

10). Gongchan: who’s name is Gong Chan-sik is a famous Kpop Korean singer who was part of the group B1A4.

Korean Dog Names Cute

Now, let’s take a look at some cute male and female Korean dog names!

11). Ye-Jin: means “valuable and precious,” and would be a great name for your canine companion, who is both valuable and precious to you!

12). Seo-jin: means “omen,” and would be a great name, for when a fur baby comes into your life, they are a wonderful omen of lovely things to come.

13). Sung: means “successor,” and is a great name that could be suitable if you’ve brought a second dog into the family, or if you have the puppy of another dog in your family.

14). Sagwa: means “apple,” and might be a good name for an apple-headed Chihuahua! Or just a cute name for any dog.

15). Min: means “clever, quick-minded,” which would be a pretty, short name for a very intelligent dog!

16). Jae-Hee: means “shining,” and would be a beautiful name for a dog with shiny fur such as a Golden Retriever or an Irish Setter.

17). Cho: means “handsome.” This could be a great choice of name for a very handsome male dog.

18). Suk: means “rock,” and might be a good name for a dog who has a stubborn personality!

19). Dae: means “greatness,” and would be the perfect name for any fur baby, or perhaps for a large dg, such as a Great Dane.

20). Goo: means “to complete someone,” which is surely what your canine companion does for you.

Korean Dog Names Girl

If you have a girl dog, here are some pretty Korean names that might be a good fit for her!

21). Ae-Cha: means “loving daughter.” If you have another dog already, or you have the daughter of a dog already in the family, this will make a lovely Korean name for her.

22). Bada: means “sea or ocean,” and would be great name for a dog that loves water or loves going to the beach with you.

23). Cho: means “beautiful,” which is a great name for any lady dog! They’re all beautiful!

24). Choon-Hee: means “born in spring.” If you have a fur baby that was born in the spring, this would be a very appropriate name for her!

25). Eui: means “righteousness.” This is such a pretty, short and sweet name for a girl dog!

26). Gi: means “brave.” If you have a lady dog who is known for her bravery, what a very pretty name for her!

27). Haru: means “day.” Another pretty Korean name for a lady dog.

28). Hayan: means “pale or white.” This would be the perfect name of a dog with a pale or white fur coat.

29). Iseul: means “dew,” and could be just the name for a girl dog who loves to go out early in the morning, when the dew’s still on the grass.

30). Joo: means “jewel.” What a pretty Korean name your female canine companion! Of course, we know she’s a precious jewel to you!

Korean Dog Names Male

Do you have a boy dog? We’ve not forgotten him! Here are some great Korean names that might be a good fit for him!

31). Baek: means “brother.” If you have a dog that is a brother of another dog in your family, this would be the perfect name for him!

32). Bon-Hwa: means “glorious.” Of course, your boy dog is glorious just because he is a unique, canine companion to you!

33). Chung-Ae: means “noble and love.” This might be a great name for a dog with a very noble bearing, and one that you love very much.

34). Daeshim: means “the greatest mind,” and is a great name for a dog who is extremely intelligent.

35). Geon: means “strength.” Do you have a dog that is extremely strong, such as a St. Bernard or a Mastiff? This would be the perfect name for your boy fur baby!

36). In-Su: means “preserving wisdom,” which is just the right name for a boy dog who is very wise and intelligent.

37). Jashik: means “child,” which could be a fitting name for a boy dog who is the child of another dog in your home.

38). Jin: means “precious.” We ask you, what dog isn’t precious? What a great name for your male fur baby!

39). Kwang: means “wild,” and could be a great name for a dog who is a little bit on the wild side!

40). Min-Ho: means “heroic and brave.” This is the perfect name for a guard dog or one that’s very protective.

Korean Dog Names Food

If you love Korean cuisine, here are some dog names inspired by great Korean dishes!

41). Anju: this is the name of Korean food that should be eaten with alcohol. This could be a great name for a St. Bernard, as they were once thought to carry small barrels of alcohol around their necks! This could also make a pretty name for a lady dog!

42). Bingsu: this is a dish made with shaved ice that is usually topped with fruit or sweets.

43). Korea: the most obvious choice!

44). Dasik: this is a Korean cookie made from grains, that his highly decorated and served with tea.

45). Galbi: this is a type of Korean BBQ usually made with grilled short ribs.

46). Kimchi: this is a dish made from fermented cabbage.

47). Misu: this is a drink made from grains and is highly renowned for its many health benefits.

48). Soju: another alcoholic drink, which is made with rice.

49). Melona: this is a brand of popsicle that’s made of fruit flavors.

50). Hotteok: is a type of Korean pancake, which is a highly popular street food in many Korean cities.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this list of Korean names for dogs, and that you were able to find the perfect name for your boy or girl canine companion!

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!

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