50 Estonian Dog Names and Their Meaning

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 11/26/20 •  9 min read
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Do you have Estonian heritage? And have you recently adopted a dog and need to find them a name? Then you’ve come to the right place!

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In this article, we’ll take a look at Estonian names for dogs, which could give your fur baby a very beautiful, unique name! But first, let’s take a look at the beautiful country of Estonia!

There you have it—some interesting facts about the country and its people! Now let’s get started on those Estonian names for dogs!

Estonian Female Dog Names

Here are some pretty Estonian girl dog names that could be a great fit for your girl dog!

1). Narva: this is the third largest city in Estonia, and would make a very pretty, unusual name for any girl dog.

2). Viljandi: this is the name of a town in the southern part of Estonia.

3). Aleksandra: means “defending men” and would be a very pretty name for a watchdog or one that is very protective.

4). Anna: this name means “grace, favor” and could be a great name for a lady Grey Hound or another type of graceful dog.

5). Eliisabet: means “my God is an oath/vow.” This is a pretty name that would fit a Poodle or another type of regal fur baby.

6). Helena: means “light.” This would be a great name for a girl dog who has a light-colored coat, or who is the light of your eyes! Or both!

7). Johanna: this is a name that means “God is gracious.” You could even shorten this name to “Jo,” which would be cute for a small dog such as a Yorkshire Terrier or a Dachshund.

8). Kaja: this name means “echo.” This would be a great name for a dog who loves to follow you around, or one that is small such as a Miniature Schnauzer, or a Chihuahua.

9). Kati: this name means “pure.” If you have a lady dog that is a purebred, and/or has a pure heart and spirit, this would make a very pretty name for her.

10). Katrin: is the Estonian version of the English name Katherine, which means “pure.” Another great name for purebred dog and one who is gentle and sweet at heart.

11). Kristina: this name means “Christian.” While this is pretty as it is, you could also consider shortening this name to “Kris.” How unusual and pretty is that?

12). Laine: means “path or lane.” Does your lady dog enjoy hiking with you? Then this would be the perfect name for her!

13). Laura: means “laurel.” If your dog excels at training and/or competitions, then this would be a beautiful name for her.

14). Leena: is the nickname of Helana, which means “light.” Does your fur baby have white or light fur? Is she the light of your heart? Then why not choose this name for her?

15). Liisa: means “my God is an oath/vow.” What a pretty and unique name! This could be the perfect name for a Poodle, an Alaskan Klee Kai, or a Japanese Chin.

16). Linda: is a name we have in English, too, which means “beautiful.” This would be a fitting name for any lady dog!

17). Mari: this name means “sea of bitterness,” “drop of the sea,” “star of the sea,” “exalted one,” or “wished for child.” If your fur baby is one that you’ve waited for over a long time, then why not choose this pretty name for her?

18). Marika: means “beloved.” What lady dog isn’t a beloved friend and companion? If this describes your dog, why not choose this name for her?

19). Mida: is a pretty name that literally means “what.” This could a pretty name for a mix-breed dog, especially if you’re not sure what breeds she is made of!

20). Darja: means “one who has God.” This is a very uncommon, pretty name that would be a great fit for any girl dog.

21). Sofia: is an Estonian name that originally comes from the Greeks, which means “a wise woman.” If you have an especially intelligent, wise dog, then this would be the perfect name for her.

22). Astrella: comes from the Hebrew name Esther, which means “star.” Is your girl dog the light of your life? Then this is the best name you could choose for her.

23). Aytama: means “she who is helpful.” This would be the perfect name for a service dog!

24). Dagi: in Estonian means “corn.” If you live on a farm, then this could be a pretty name for your girl dog.

25). Juuli: is the Estonian form of Julie and means “youthfulness.” This might be a great name for a girl puppy!

Estonian Male Dog Names

Here are some great Estonian boy dog names that might be a great fit for your best bud!

26). Artur: this is the Estonian form of the name Arthur and means “stone, bear, the eagle.” If you have a  noble, regal boy dog, then why not choose this name for him?

27). Maksim: means “a man who is greater than others.” We know your boy dog is greater than others, so this would be a very unique name that fits him!

28). Oliver: means “one who represents the emblem of peace or olive tree.” If your fur baby is a peaceful dog, then this would be a great name for him.

29). Rasmus: means “he who is beloved.” We know you love your canine companion, so this is a fitting name for him.

30). Romet: means “joy.” Does your dog have a light spirit and seem to have joy just for being alive? Then this is the best name for him!

31). Sebastian: means “one who his from Sebastia.” While your fur baby may not be from there, this is still a unique name, which you could even shorten to “Seba.”

32). Adrus: this is the Estonian version of Andrew, which means “diligent and sociable individual.” If you have a dog that pays attention to details, minds well and is very friendly, then this would be a cute name for him.

33). Arri: means “powerful ruler.” Does your dog think he rules the roost? Even if he doesn’t what a great name this would be for him!

34). Eduk: means “he who is successful.” We told you there would be unique names here! You won’t hear this great name in the dog park, that is, unless you’re in Estonia!

35). Hillar: means “pleased, blissful.” Do you have a happy dog that is pleased to be near you all the time? Then why not choose this name for him? You could even shorten it to “Hill.”

36). Jaak: means “one who holds the heel.” Does your dog heel well when you’re out walking? Then this could be a great name for him.

37). Jaan: means “God is gracious.” We would agree, if He’s answered your prayer for a wonderful dog!

38). Juhan: is the Estonian version of John and means “God is gracious.” Again, we agree with this, especially if He’s heard your prayers to help you find the right dog for you!

39). Kaapo: is the Estonian name for Gabriel, which means “man of God.”

40). Kaarel: is the Estonian form of Charles and means “man.”

41). Kalve: means “the land of Kalevi.” What a pretty name this is!

42). Kalju: means “rock or boulder.”

43). Keert: is the Estonian version of Gerald, which means “bold ruler.”

44). Leenart: means “lion or brave as a lion,” and could be a great name for a Chow Chow!

45). Leks: means “defender of men.”

46). Markko: means “from Mars.”

47). Mathei: is the Estonian version of Matthew, which means “gift from God.”

48). Mikk: means “who is Godlike?”

49). Olev: is the Estonian form of Olaf, which means “ancestor’s descendent.”

50). Priit: means “peaceful ruler.”

Facts About Estonia

Estonia is situated in northeastern Europe where it juts out into the Baltic Sea. The country is bordered by Russia, and Latvia. It also shares maritime borders with Finland and Sweden. The capital of the country is Tallinn and is known as the best-preserved medieval city in this part of the world.

Tallinn’s old town is filled with beautiful medieval architecture that was built by the German Crusaders in the Late Middle Ages. And it is some of the best-preserved medieval architecture in all of Europe. You can also find some traces of Estonia’s Soviet past all throughout the country. These days, however, Estonia is a member of the European Union and so is a part of Europe.

There are about 1.3 million people in this small country and is one of the most unpopulated countries in Europe. They enjoy taking time away to take a break and relax. The people in this country speak Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish and German. In fact, they are considered some of the best English speakers in Europe.

About 50% of this country is forest, that’s filled with wildlife including rabbits, foxes, wolves, bears, deer, and more.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article and the Estonia dog names! And hopefully you’ve been able to find a very unique, beautiful name that fits your fur baby well!

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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.

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