Have you recently adopted a dog or puppy? That’s great news! Nothing could be better than brining your new canine companion home. You’ll begin to share a new, wonderful and happy life together!
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When you finally get your dog or puppy home, then the reality sets in that it’s time to find the right name for your fur baby. Finding the best name, one that’s unique and not heard often can challenging.
We understand, that’s why we’ve done some research to create a list of possible names for your dog. Our list includes names for both boy and girl dogs that end in the letter Q! As you can imagine, some of these names are exceptionally exotic, yet beautiful.
Let’s get started!
Boy Dogs Names That End with Q
1). Tariq: is an Arabic name, which means “star, path.” This could be a great name for a dog who has a star blaze on his face or chest.
2). Tyriq: is an African name, which means “star, path.”
3). Maliq: is an Arabic name that means “sovereign.” Does your fur baby think he rules the house? Then this name may be for him!
4). Khaliq: is an Arabic name, which means “creates.” This might be a cute name for a dog who creates a little chaos in your life.
5). Sadiq: is an Arabic name that means “friend.” What better name for your dog than to call him “friend.”
6). Eriq: is an English name, which means “powerful leader, peaceful ruler.”
7). Zarq: is a Persian name, which means “blue-eyed.” This would be the perfect name for any boy dog who has blue eyes, or even one blue eye such as a Husky.
8). Tonraq: is an Inuit name that means “a tiny man.” What a cute name for a Chihuahua or another very small dog.
9). Ahmakiq: is a Mayan name, which means “god of agriculture who locks up the winds when they threaten the crops.” Phew—that’s a long meaning, but a pretty, unique name!
10). Appiq: is an Inuit name that means “companion.” What a great name for your dog, who is your best bud!
11). Aklaq: is another Inuit name and it means “black bear.” What a great name for a dog who resembles a bear or has black fur!
12). Amaruq: is an Inuit name, which means “frozen sea.” Does your canine companion love the snow and ice?
13). Andreq: is a Russian name that means “manly, strong.”
14). Aniq: is a Bengali name that means “elephant.” This would be a cute name for a tiny dog, or for a dog that’s very large and intelligent, like an elephant.
15). Areeq: is an Arabic name, which means “noble.”
16). Ataneq: is an Inuit name, which means “king.”
17). Faruq: is an Arabic name, which means “wise.” This would be a great name for a very intelligent, wise boy dog.
18). Farouq: is an Arabic name that means “one who distinguishes between right and wrong.”
19). Igalaq: is an Inuit name, which means “window of igloo.”
20). Kaliq: is an Arabic name that means “creative.”
21). Maliq: is an Indian name, which means “master.”
22). Mamshuq: is an Arabic name that means “slim.” This might be a pretty name for a Greyhound.
23). Marq: is a French name, which means “of Mars (the god of).”
24). Nanuq; is an Inuit name that means “polar bear god.”
25). Nirliq: is a name that comes from the Inuit and means “snow goose.” This name can be for a girl or a boy!
Girl Dog Names that End with Q
Here are some pretty and uncommon girl dog names that end in Q!
26). Anuniaq: is an Inuit name that means “one who hunts for food or knowledge.” Perhaps your dog hunts for both?
27). Arnaq: is an Inuit name, which means “girl.” How cute is that?
28). Asfaq: is an Indian name, which means “favors, kindness, compassion.” This might be a very pretty name for a girl service dog.
30). Asiaq: is an Inuit name that means “goddess often prayed to for good weather.”
31). Buniq: is an Inuit name, which means “sweet daughter.” This is a really pretty name to call your girl dog.
32). Falaq: is a Muslim name that means “break of dawn.” Does your dog get you before the sun?
33). Luliaq: is a an Inuit name, which means “frost.” This could be a beautiful name for a Husky or another dog that loves snow, or for a dog who has white fur.
34). Ishq: is an Indian name that means “love.” Another beautiful name that holds a ton of meaning.
35). Mushiq: is an English name that means “music.”
36). Natsiq: is an Inuit name that means “seal.” Does your dog have a seal-like face? How cute is that! Or does she have dark, soft fur like a seal?
37). Pamiuq: is an Inuit name that means “what his tail;” however, this name can be for a girl or a boy.
38). Pukiq: is an Inuit name that means “smart.” Is your fur baby especially smart?
39). Qigiq: is an Inuit name that means “white hawk that flies in the sky.”
40). Rahiq: is a Muslim name, which means “nectar.”
41). Serrq: is an Egyptian name that is another name for the goddess Isis.
42). Shawq: is a Muslim name, which means “longing.” Does your girl dog miss you while you’re away at work?
43). Siqiniq: is a Native American name that means “sun.” This would be a beautiful, unique name for a dog that has fur the color of the sun.
44). Taariq: is a Swahili name that means “morning star.”
45). Tanaraq: is an Inuit name that means “granddaughter of the Tundra.”
46). Tulugaq: is an Inuit name that means “raven.” This name can be for a girl or a boy, and it would be the perfect fit for dog who has a very dark or black coat.
47). Tupiq: is an Inuit name that means “tent, shelter.”
48). Unalaq: is an Inuit name that means “stars in the sky.”
49). Worq: is an Ethiopian name, which means “gold.”
50). Wifaq: is a Muslim name that means “harmony, consent.”
We hope you’ve had fun reading through these names, and that you’ve found the perfect name for your dog!
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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.
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