170 Best Cow Names – Cute & Funny

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 04/10/24 •  10 min read
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best cow names

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Are you looking for a name for your new cow or calf? Why do people name cows? If you’re looking for the answer to these questions, then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve created an amazing cow name list for you!

Why Do People Name Cows?

There are many answers to this question, and it depends on the situation. For one thing, farmers often name their milk cows because it makes the cows produce more milk! We’re not kidding! According to research done by Dr. Catherine Douglas, from Newcastle University, she found that cows with cool names were happier and produced more milk. Researchers have also found that cows prefer to be milked in groups with cows they’re familiar with. Think of it—cows are just like us—some cows get along well together, while others don’t.

In the study, researchers found that almost half of the farmers in the survey named their cows and called them by name. However, some believe that most farmers do name their cows. One writer even noted that cows are usually not named after the farmer’s wife, which is probably a good thing! Other reasons for giving baby cows names may be due to where the cows live. These days, there are many shelters that take in farm animals and allow them to live a natural life at the shelter. These places usually give animal names to their inhabitants.

Then there are people who keep cows as pets. Yes, you read that correctly. So, of course, the cow fur babies have to have a name!

How to Choose a Name for Your Cow

Sometimes it’s hard to come up with just the right name for a cow. Things to help you decide may include your cow’s personality, their coloring or unusual markings, and more. You want to be sure to put some thought into their name, because this will be his/her name for the rest of their lives.

You can also choose words to name your cow that indicates their breed, or you can even choose a funny, cute name for your bovine companion. Let’s get started with our creative lists of the best cow names!

Disney Cow Name Ideas

Here’s a list of famous cow names from children’s books and Disney cartoons that may be a good fit for your favorite bovine:

1). Grace (Home on the Range)

2). Minotaur (Hercules)

3). Minos (Aladdin)

4). Bertie Cow (Cousin Calfie)

5). Caroline Cow (Mickey Mouse cartoons)

6). Milky White (Into the Woods)

7). Abigail the Cow (The Fox and the Hound)

8). Boniface

9). Ferdinand the Bull (fun and Fancy Free)

10). Clementine (Old MacDonald Quack)

11). Mrs. Calloway (Home on the Range)

12). El Toro (Timon & Pumbaa)

13). Miss Bovina (Mickey Gets the Drift)

14). Dorkifier (Sticth!)

15). Boniface (Mickey Mouse)

16). Clarabelle (Mickey Nouse)

Highland Cow Names

If you have beautiful highland cows, or if you enjoy watching a show such as Outlander here are some classic cow names that may be just perfect for your highland heifer or bull!

16). Anna: means “Ann”

17). Bana-phrionnsa: means “princess”

18). Bean: means “wife” (you may want not to name your cow “wife,” as your wife most likely will not be happy! Don’t say we didn’t warn you!).

19). Cairistiona: means “Christina”

20). Adhamh: means “Adam”

21). Bodach: means “Old man”

22). Fearghas: means “Fergus” (if you love the show Outlander, you might choose this name for your bull).

23). Niall: means “Neil”

24). Buidhe: means “Yellow male”

25). Seoras: means “George”

Did you know that Cow Hooves are great for dogs to chew?

Cow Pair Names

If you have a pair of calves or cows that needs names, here are some ideas that might work for your cows

26). Flopsy & Mopsy

27). Mamma Moo and Baby Moo

28). Buttercup and Daisy (two flowers)

29). Alma and Salma (rhyming names)

30). Rose and Ruby (two shades of red)

31). Eliza & Eli (both forms of the name “Elizabeth”)

32). Candie & Sugar

33). Maggie & Margie (two forms of the name “Margaret”)

34). Dhalia & Flower

35). Ann & Belle

Indian Cow Names

If you’re still searching for the right name for your cow, then here are some Indian cow names that come from the Sanskrit:

36). Dhenue: means “cow”

37). Gorasa: means “cow-milk”

38). Gavay: means “cow milk” or “got from a cow”

39). Navanlta: means “butter”

40). Basanti: means “spring” (this is a female cow name)

41). Maya: means “dream” (a name for a female cow)

42). Sarayi: means “princess” (another name for a girl cow)

43). Chetan: means “life” (for a steer or bull)

44). Pritam: means “lover” (for a steer or bull)

45). Roane: means “red-haired” (for a bull or steer)

46). Taj: means “crown” (another name for a bull or steer)

47). Vanhi: means “fire” (for a steer or bull)

48). Shaan: means “peaceful” or “pride” (great name for a peaceful bull or steer!)

49). Udayan: means “rising” (another name for a steer or bull)

50). Ramos: means “supreme” (another option for a bull or steer)

Fun & Cute Cow Names

If you’re still looking for just the right name for your bovine friend, then we’ve put together a bonus list of good cow names that may help you out! These are cute and funny names for cows!

51). Honeybun

52). Cookie

53). Pinky

54). Sweety

55). Sunny

56). Blue

57). LovaBull

58). Sunshine

59). Cupcake

60). Cocoa

61). Baby

62). Muffin

63). Princess

64). Bessie

65). Moodonna

66). Mud Pie

67). Cowlick

68). Big Bertha

69). Shrimp (especially cute for a large bull or steer!)

70). Waffle

Cow Names Based on Colors

Here are some great names to choose for your cow based on their coloring:

Black Cow Names

71). Ace

72). Bear

73). Blackjack

74). Cinderella

75). Cosmo

76) Angus

White Cow Names

Perfect names for the white cows in your life!

76: Alaska

77). Angel

78). Bianca

79). Blizzard

80). Cloud

81). Crystal

82). Diamond

83). Nimbus (like the cloud name)

84). Nova

85). Opal

Red Cow Names

If you have a red cow, maybe one of these names will be a good fit!

86). Amber

87). Cheyenne

88). Clifford

89). Ginger

90). Red

91). Redford

92). Robin

93). Russet

94). Rusty

95). Scarlet

We also have a selection of great French dog names if you want to check it out!

Names for Black & White Cows

Here are some names just in case you happen to have black & white cows:

96). Chocolate Chip

97). Chocolate Milk

98). Oreo (like the famous cookie)

99). Dotty

100). Freckles

101). Inkblot

102). Latte

103). Lemure

104). Magpie

105). Mickey

106). Minney

107). Panda

108). Penguin

109). Patches

110). Salt n Pepper

111). Smudge

112). Snoopy

113). Tuxedo

114). Zebra

115). ZigZag

French Cow Names

Do you think a cow could help with French bulldog’s disease predispositions? You might be surprised. If you have a cow that comes from a French breed, or you just love all things French, then here are some pretty French names that may be a good fit for your bovine friend!

French Girl Cow Names

116). Alice: means “truth”

117). Antoinette: means “praiseworthy”

118). Audrey: means “noble strength”

119). Belle: means “beautiful”

120). Blanche: means “white”

121). Coraline: means “coral”

122). Charlotte: is the feminine form of Charles

123). Chloe: means “blooming” or “fertility”

124). Eloise: means “famous in war” (the perfect name for the lead cow in your herd!)

125). Gabrielle: means “one of the angels”

126). Jolene: means “pretty”

127). Juliette: means “young and beautiful” (plus it’s the name of the famous lead in Shakespeare’s play!)

128). Madeleine: means “magnificent”

129). Noelle: means “born on Christmas” (perfect for a female calf born on Christmas morning!)

130). Annabelle: means “loving”

131). Gertie: means “strong spear”

132). Matilda: means “battle-mighty”

French Boy Cow Names

Here are some French male cow names that you may want to consider:

130). Antoine: means “praiseworthy” or “priceless”

131). Armand: means “army soldier” (it has a nice regal ring to it, too!)

132). Arthur: means “courageous” or “strong”

133). Bryce: means “speckled”

134). Francois: means “a man from France”

135). Frederic: means “peaceful ruler”

136). Jacques: means “the one that comes after, the replacement”

137). Louis: means “brave warrior”

138). Orville: means “from the gold town”

139). Pascal: means “born at Easter”

140). Philippe: means “friend of horses”

141). Sacha: means “defender of humans”

142). Theo: means “gift from God”

143). Thomas: means “twin”

144). Victor: means “the winner”

145). Holstein: comes from the Holstein Friesian cattle breed

Pun Names for Cows

Another idea is to make a pun of your cow’s name! Here are some ideas of funny cow names we came up with!

145). Cowmooflage: pun for camouflage

146). Mootilda

147). Motley Moo

148). Milkyway

148). Longhorn

149). Mr. Moo

150). Dulcibella

151). Hugh Heifer

152). MooMoo

153). Flossy

154). Confetti (this would make a great name for a cow that has spots!)

155). Milkdud

156). Molly Moo

157). Winnie the Moo (we couldn’t resist adding this to the cow name list!)

158). Hershey Kiss

159). Al Poochino

160). Milkshake

161). Nancy Moo

162). Apple Dumpling

163). Oink

164). Curly Sue

165). Mooly

166). Spotty

167). Deja-moo

168). Merry Moo

169). Sunny Brooke

170). Moolawn

171). Molly Moo-Cow

Check out our next article and learn if dogs can eat french beans!

Cow Name Generator

If you’re still looking for just the right name for your cow, then check out this cow name generator! Yes, it really exists!

It’s easy to use the cow name generator—it will come up with 10 random names each time! All you have to do is click the button and 10 unique names will come up. If you don’t like these names, then just click the button again for a new list of unique cow names. Give it a try—not only is it fun, but you’re sure to come up with a great name for your cow, too!

When we tried the cow name generator, the names that came up included:

Why It’s Important to Give Cows Names

Not many people realize that cows are highly sensitive animals. They are social animals that have long memories, especially for other cows they dislike or for people who have mistreated them. Being sensitive, cows seem to do better when they have unique names.

A study by researchers at Anthrozoos (an academic journal) found that dairy cows that were given names produced more milk than farms where the cows were not named. But why is this?

The researchers found that cows are more like us in that they prefer a personal touch. They’re also more relaxed and happier when they have a name. It seems farmers and workers give the cows more individualized attention when each cow has a name.

In other words, cows that have more attention and importance as individuals (like naming a cow and interacting with them as they grow) improve the cow’s care and increase milk production (in the case of dairy cows).

Other Interesting Facts About Cows

Cows are very interesting animals. Did you know that cows love to play? When they have the space, cows love to run, jump, and chase one another. They even like playing with balls!

In addition, dairy cows love to lick each other (usually on the neck) and be petted or stroked. These behaviors help the cows bond with one another and their human carers.

Farms that have installed mechanical cow brushes also find their cattle are much happier! The brushes not only get rid of that nagging itch, but they also keep the cow’s skin in better shape. The brushes also help the cows’ mental wellbeing.

We hope that you’ve been able to find the best name for your cow in this list! We also hope you had a good time reading through all of these creative bovine names! We have a ton of articles on dog breeds such as our latest on Pit Bulls recommended food and treats! Check it out.

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.