My Dog Ate a Diaper What Should I Do?

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 03/06/24 •  5 min read
Dog Moderate Toxicity Level
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Has your dog ever gone for baby diapers? By this, we mean eating baby diapers. If so, you’re not alone. This is a common issue in homes where dogs gain access to clean or dirty baby diapers.

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Why Would a Dog Eat a Baby Diaper?

For one thing, dogs tend to use their mouths and noses to explore the world around them. And if you’ve been a pet parent for any length of time, you’ll know your fur baby may have an attraction to strong, offending odors. A dirty baby diaper may present this type of attraction.

Keep in mind that dogs are wont to eat cloth or disposable diapers. Both of which can be dangerous to your fur baby.

Why are Diapers Dangerous for Dogs?

Disposable diapers are made of non-toxic ingredients; however, the problem arises from the absorbent material in the diaper. When this material comes in contact with liquids in the digestive system, it expands.

It is strongly recommended to contact a Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian.

In addition, disposable diapers have a waterproof outer layer and an inner layer that’s meant to keep wetness away from the skin. These layers can also cause problems for dogs if ingested.

Another problem are the adhesive tabs on the outside of the diaper, which can become stuck in a dog’s digestive tract.

One more issue—if the diaper (cloth or disposable) is dirty, then it’s filled with bacteria, which can make your dog sick.

The most serious issues come from the absorbent material in the disposable diapers. The material will swell, which can lead to a bowel obstruction. A bowel obstruction that partially or completely blocks your fur baby’s intestines, which can lead to death.

What If My Large Breed Dog Ate a Small Portion of a Diaper? Should I Still Call the Vet?

Yes, you need to call the vet, whether your dog is large or small. Either way, eating part of a diaper or all of it can cause serious complications for your canine companion. Even a small part of a disposable diaper can be dangerous in a large dog’s digestive tract.

So, even if your dog is acting normally and shows no symptoms after eating a part of a diaper, call the vet immediately. You could save your dog’s life.

What to Do if Your Dog Ate a Diaper

First, don’t panic. Quickly gather information the vet will need such as what type of diaper did your canine companion eat (cloth or disposable) and the size, then figure out if he ate the entire diaper or just a part. And try to work out when your pup ate the diaper. Note any symptoms your dog may be displaying.

Now, you’re ready to call the vet. One word of warning—never induce vomiting without your vet’s instructions. In many instances, this can cause worse problems. So, only induce vomiting if instructed to do so by the vet.

The vet will more than likely want to see your dog and conduct an exam. They will look to see if your fur baby has pain and swelling of the abdomen. They may also order blood work and x-rays. The images will show where the diaper is in your dog’s digestive tract. The vet may also conduct an endoscopic exam to locate the diaper.

Depending on where the diaper is in the intestinal tract, the vet may induce vomiting. Or the vet may give your fur baby a laxative or enema if the diaper is near the end of the digestive tract. This will help your dog poop the diaper out.

In other instances, it may be necessary to remove the diaper by inserting a flexible scope into your dog’s throat or rectum, which allows the vet to manually remove the diaper.

If the diaper is causing a bowel obstruction, your dog will need emergency surgery to remove the diaper.

Keep Your Dog from Eating Diapers

It’s difficult to keep your canine companion out of things in the house. A determined dog can usually find a way to get into what it wants! But there are some steps you can take to make it more challenging for your dog to get diapers and other things!

With early and fast treatment, your fur baby has an excellent chance at a full recovery.

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.

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