10 Steps To Introduce A Cat To A Dog

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 10/05/20 •  9 min read
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Cats and dogs are often embroiled in wars due to difference between the two animal species, although cats and dogs are sometime seen to be enemies, but on the contrary, they can get on beautifully well together. The adaptability of these animals to get along is based on experiences with other species accrued before they are paired. The mode of their communication varies too: A dog waggles his tail to show ecstasy and keenness to play; a cat lashes her tail to exhibit displeasure. There would be obvious reason to have an easier introduction process if either the two pets have stayed with another in a former home. It is advisable to diligently follow due procedure in bring the two pets together, going along with the steps stated here, a far safer introduction can be ensured and thus will result in the two pets coming to be good friends.

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The following key points are cogent and sustainable ways to introduce your dog to your cat or the other way round. The points are out-rightly explained to ease the relationship and interaction between the cat and the dog.

1. Preparation and understanding the species

Understanding the social structures of the species also helps in getting both the dog and cat live together peacefully. Dogs relate in their group in packs in hierarchy, where only one animal will thus become dominant. Whereby cats are lonesome animal creatures who protect their domain. This obvious disparity in social values can often result to conflicts if they are not well groomed together. The most appropriate way to assist your dog and your cat relate freely is to acknowledge the two animals’ social preference. Allow the dog to dominate and make it feel comfortable as the head in the hierarchy of your pets, you should also acknowledge and help your cat’s area by giving it space, it will own that the dog can’t regularly encroached.

2. Giving the animals proper introduction

It has no consequence in case the new pet is a dog or cat; the pet that is already living in the household requires to be conversant with it well, and should take high relevance through the process. The manner of approach in introducing the two animals usually forms a crucial moment in what will results to the pets being friends or probably results into frequent conflicts between the two, and make sure to prevent the two from getting emotionally aroused. We recommend that your residual home pet should be well fed so that it will be tired from wandering about or easily aroused before it get to meet the new companion. Be careful not to hold the cat up in your hands, as it can scratch you or probably the dogs’ head.

Ensure that its nails are trimmed in the advent not to injure the dog in case something does result sorely when they have the first encounter

Either a new cat is being introduce to your resident dog or vice versa, there is always a need to provide a comfort zone for the cat that your dog will not be able to intrude. A spare room is advisable as they will need time to get along in their new home. To make the cat comfortable, place all essentials in the spare room the cat is situated – food, water, bed and a litter tray. It is additionally vital to guarantee that your house has a lot of elevated surfaces that cats can without much of a stretch access. Cats normally get a kick out of the chance to relax and stow away in the elevated surfaces, and this would be imperative sooner on in the meeting procedure.

3. Keeping up great relations

As things advance the correct way, you can enable the cat and dog to relate the more openly, yet until the point that you are certain they have turned out to be great companions, keep your dog’s leash on amid early introduction with your cat, so that in the event that he ends up plainly forceful, even in play, you can constrain his interactions and serenely however solidly train him. Always keep the cat out of the dog’s gnawing range, and enable her to get away from the dog’s notice in the event that she needs to. You can likewise have the two pets meet from inverse sides of a pet gate to begin with, yet don’t enable them to touch noses or generally get excessively close until the point when each is more acclimated with seeing the other. Take additional care with vivacious dogs who are effectively energized – you may need to endeavour to keep things quiet and know that a sudden dash from the cat may trigger a pursuit.

4. Continuous, supervised meetings

So as to shield both cat and dog from winding up excessively on edge, envious, or irate, it is best to gradually acquaint one pet with the other, particularly if one is already a current individual of the family. Continuously ensure the meeting is regulated, yet make certain to give them a chance to figure out each other as well. In the event that you are hinting at trouble, the two creatures will get on that, making for a not as much as flawless first introduction.

5. Blend scents perception with responsiveness

Creatures become more acquainted with their selves through fragrance or scent, not the usual thought of face-to-face or personal gatherings. Indeed, even before they see each other, you can enable the two pets to get comfortable with each other’s fragrance. a proper way to achieve this is to Tenderly rub a sock, towel or washcloth over the dog, and place it close to the cat’s nourishment dish or bed. Following a couple of days, rub the thing with the dog’s scent over the cat, blending their fragrances. Invert the system for your dog. By offering both access to each other’s fragrances, you’ll make their underlying meeting less upsetting, as each pet will realize that this other critter isn’t an aggregate outsider.

6. Offer separate dining spots

Each pet ought to have the capacity to eat undisturbed by the other, so set up individual bolstering stations for feeding. You might need to serve the cat’s suppers on a hoisted surface, for example,  windowsill to keep the dog from wolfing down her nourishment and also his own. Notwithstanding enabling each pet to eat in peace, “isolate tables” guarantee that each will eat his or her own particular nourishment. Cat and dog sustenance are not healthfully exchangeable. While most cats have zero enthusiasm for dog’s menu, dogs find the higher protein and fat substance of cats’ food extremely tempting. Regular cat nourishment utilization can bring about a dietary imbalance and weight pick up for dogs.

7. Pet’s toys

It might come to be an undeniable suggestion, it’s imperative to emphasize this point since it thus can be more valuable than it may appear. Dogs are normally social animals, and cats do have a quicker ruthless intuition. These altogether different behavioural qualities are relaxed by the utilization of toys that can rechanneled the cat’s chasing instincts and prevent it from displaying ruthless practices, securely externalizing their characteristic senses. Then again, the dog can see the toy in the view of something which it claims, which will influence it to feel protected and cherished. Give the two pets different toys of various hues; they particularly acknowledge toys which make commotion. The two pets will feel pleasure with their toys, which will give them a bonafide diversion when you’re nowhere near, keeping them from pestering each other.

8. Age can make a difference

While acquainting another pet with the household, the age of the pet at the point of introduction can be of great importance. That is on account of puppies are substantially less risky to grown-up cats, and kittens can be very fearless with grown-up dogs. The age distinction between your pets can be a vital factor to enhance the effectiveness in their communication and interaction. Furthermore, it can improve the way they coexist with each other.

9. Calming commands

The fundamental submission commands of “Sit”, “Stay”, “Off” and “Rests” should as of now be a piece of your dog’s vocabulary. What’s more, it’s not just about summons; it’s additionally about command practices. Request that your cat not to make a direct contact at your dog for a moment or two, and approach your dog gradually. These commands will be of great advantage in calming your dog in the advent of conflicts in the introduction process.

10. Dog leashed, cat loose

With dog on rope at the far side of the room, have a partner open the entryway of the room for the cat. Keep the dog concentrated on you with preparing orders and treats. On the off chance that the cat refuse to enter the room, entice it by hurling a treat simply outside the room entryway. Then, leave the stay with the dog, sit tight for the cat to walk in the room, and return with the dog. Cat may run and cover up – simply centre around holding dog in his down stay. On the off chance that he responds to the cat strolling or running, you’ll have to do the day by day sessions, until the dog is by and by overlooking the cat while it is free.

Never enable the dog to “play” by pursuing cat, ever

This is a diversion that can hand destructive over a moment. I prescribe keeping dog on chain for the following 2 weeks, bit by bit expanding the measure of time they are spending together until the point when they get to know each other. Keep the two pets on a lead – thus, you can keep them from harming each other. On the off chance that the conduct is right and the two pets are quiet, you can give them a chance to cooperate with each other and reward them both with treats. In the event that, then again, the conduct is forceful, the dog tries to pursue the cat or the cat tries to scratch the dog, you have to firmly stop the interaction. Move the pets into partitioned rooms without leading the pack off both of them, and rehearse the procedure until the point when the two pets can be casual in a similar room.

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.