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Are you a pet parent to a Pacman frog? Would you like to breed your Pacman frog? If so, then there are some steps you’ll need to take in order to have a successful breeding cycle.
The good news is that it’s not too hard to breed Pacman frogs!
How to Start
The first thing you’ll need is a pair of frogs – a male and a female – if you plan to raise tadpoles. Keeping a same-sex pair together is not a good idea. The reason is that Pacman frogs prefer to live alone. And they can be cannibalistic, which means they will eat their own kind or other frogs, fish, and more.
The only time you can keep two Pacman frogs together is during the mating season. Keep in mind that Pacman frogs may try to eat their mate during the breeding season. This is especially the case if you have a male that’s much smaller than the female.
When it comes to sexing Pacman frogs, males are generally smaller than females. They also have black pads on the insides of their front legs (near their “fingers”). Males also tend to be much more vocal than females. You’ll notice a male Pacman frog chirps and croaks more often.
Mimicking the Pacman Frog’s Natural Breeding Cycle
Once you have the male and female Pacman frogs, you’ll need to mimic the frog’s natural breeding cycle. Pacman frogs, in the wild, tend to hibernate during the winter and then reproduce when they come out of hibernation.
You’ll need to set up hibernation tanks to help your frogs hibernate. But be sure not to put them together. Remember that these frogs are cannibalistic! Some people recommend setting up a rain chamber, while others recommend putting the frogs in their own aquariums. The tanks should be set up with a deep layer of sphagnum moss as the frogs burrow into the ground then hibernating.
The tanks should be kept at about 55F with a humidity level that’s just a bit lower than that in their aquarium. Be sure to put a lid on the tanks, as these frogs may try to jump out!
One note: before putting your frogs into hibernation, make sure both the male and female are well fed. Otherwise, they could die during their hibernation. The hibernation process takes about 2-4 months.
During this time, be sure to mist the frog’s habitats at least once a week. After two months, raise the temperature back to normal levels. The frogs will eventually “wake up.” However, if they don’t come out of hibernation on their own, it’s OK to take them from their hibernating tank to their regular tanks.
Note: do not put the frogs together when they’re coming out of hibernation. They will be very hungry and may try to cannibalize the other frog! Be sure to feed them well before putting the male and female frogs together in the breeding tank.

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Ask a Vet Live NowSetting Up the Breeding Tank
While your frogs are coming out of hibernation, this is the perfect time to begin preparing the breeding tank. You’ll need a tank that’s filled with water on the bottom. The water should be deep enough for the female to lay her eggs without drowning. So, you may want to include a small landing area for the frogs.
It’s also essential to add some aquatic plants, as the female will attach her eggs to these plants.
Pacman Frog Water Requirements
Getting the water in the breeding tank just right is essential for the successful breeding of Pacman frogs. These pets need clean water that’s been de-chlorinated. You can use a water conditioner such as ReptiSafe to help remove chemicals and make the water safe for your frogs.
The water’s pH is also crucial to the breeding process. The water should be neither too alkaline nor acidic. You’ll need to check the water and make sure that it’s at a pH level of 7. This is the pH level that most amphibians, including frogs, need to stay healthy.
You can measure the pH level of the tank’s water by using a pH testing kit from the pet shop or from an aquarium shop. The kits are easy to use. While you may be able to find a pH testing kit online, it’s best to go to a pet shop or an aquarium shop. There you can find products that are specifically formulated for aquarium pets, including frogs.
Once you have the breeding tank all set up and the frogs are awake from hibernation (and both have been well fed), it’s time to put your mating pair into the breeding tank!
The Breeding Pair
It can take a day or more before your frogs may begin mating. Make sure the temperature and humidity levels are correct for your Pacman breeding pair.
Pacman frog males may chirp and croak more often during the mating period. This is the way they alert females of their whereabouts.
When the Pacman frogs are ready to mate, the male frog will grasp the female frog from behind. It will look as if he’s sitting on her back, grasping her with his front legs. This is called the amplexus position.
As the frogs mate, the female passes the eggs through her cloaca, and the male fertilizes the eggs outside of his mate’s body. Once this process is completed, the female Pacman frog will look for an aquatic plant to lay her eggs.
When the eggs have been laid, it’s time to separate the mating pair once again. This is to keep them from eating one another and to keep them from eating the eggs and their young. Keep in mind that removing the male and female Pacman frogs soon after the eggs are laid is crucial. The eggs can begin hatching within 24-48 hours.
Summing It Up
As you can see, mating Pacman frogs can be a process, but it’s not really that difficult. The main issues are ensuring your mating pair is not living together during the hibernation period or after mating. It’s essential to make sure the frogs are both well fed before hibernating after they awake from hibernation, and through the breeding process. You want to avoid them eating one another, as Pacman frogs can be cannibalistic.
In the end, if all goes well and your breeding pair is healthy, and the breeding tank has been properly set up, the end result should be some amazing Pacman tadpoles to raise!
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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.
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