Do Frogs Eat Fish?

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 12/16/21 •  7 min read
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Frogs Eat Fish

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Can and do frogs eat fish? The answer depends on the type and of frog, the environment it lives in, and more. However, this is a common question whether you’d like to add a frog to your aquarium of fish or if you’d like to start a backyard fishpond.

In this article, we’ll answer the question of whether or not frogs eat fish and more!

Can Frogs Eat Fish?

That’s a common question and a good one to consider. If you have an established aquarium, it’s critical to consider the consequences of adding a new pet to the mix. It’s the same when adding any other type of pet to your family.

You must think about the new pet’s needs, as well as those of the pets (and people) who currently live in the environment or home. This is true whether or not you’re adding a frog to an aquarium or building a backyard pond for goldfish.

With an aquarium, you must consider if the new pet, such as a frog, could eat your current fish. Here, it will depend on the type of frog you’re adding and the type/size of fish you already have. For instance, we’ll use the example of adding an aquatic African dwarf frog to your aquarium. That’s a good place to start.

Frogs are carnivores, and in the wild, they will eat fish. They also eat insects, small reptiles, and just about anything that fits in their mouth.

African Dwarf Frogs – Usually Harmless

African dwarf frogs are usually pretty harmless and peaceful, most of the time. However, once in a while, you will come across an African dwarf frog (not to be mistaken with the African clawed frog) that doesn’t get along with other frogs of his kind or fish. In that situation, the frog could try to eat the fish.

Keep in mind that African dwarf frogs are small. So, if your fish are too large for him to eat, then the frog will not be able to eat the fish. A frog can only eat fish that will fit into its mouth.

What Type of Fish Can Live with an African Dwarf Frog?

If you would like to add an African dwarf frog to an established aquarium, here’s what you can do to try and keep the frog and fish happily together. Remember that size is essential here; the size of the fish and the size of the frog must be similar. Otherwise, you may have an aggressive frog eating the fish or larger fish that harass or eat the frog!

So, to have a happier tank environment for your pets, you may want to consider some specific types of fish. African dwarf frogs usually grow to be no more than about three inches long. So, your fish should be at least this size and not much larger.

In addition, you’ll want to have fish that are not aggressive. Putting a frog in with certain types of fish such as tiger barbs, red tail sharks, cichlids, bucktooth tetras, and more. These fish will eat your frog.

There are some online sources that say you can put an African dwarf frog and a Betta together. However, that can be a problem. The issue is that the Betta may be aggressive toward the frog and harass it to death. It really depends on the individual personality of the Betta. Yes, you read that correctly!

Remember that fish each do have unique, individualistic personalities! You may end up with a Betta that hates frogs! It’s difficult to tell when you buy one, as you can’t ask the fish if he enjoys living with a frog or not!

So, we highly recommend not putting a Betta and African dwarf frog together. We have had bad experiences, personally, with either an aggressive frog and/or an aggressive Betta. You don’t want to have this type of problem in your aquarium.

Other fish to avoid in the tank are bottom feeders. The reason is that your frog and the fish will both eat whatever falls to the bottom of the tank. This means there could be stiff competition for the food. In that case, the frog may try to go after smaller fish because he’s not getting enough to eat.

Instead, consider fish such as:

These are all fish that have a peaceful reputation and usually get along with their neighbors. The fish are about the same size as the frog. This means they are too large for the African dwarf frog to eat, and they’re too big for the frog to eat!

In addition to building the right community for your frog and fish, it’s essential to make sure he receives enough food. A hungry frog will try to eat what’s in his environment. This is just natural behavior, and not a frog behaving badly.

What About a Backyard Pond?

Many people are interested in constructing a backyard pond. The pond is a source of water for birds and other animals, and it can become a beautiful, relaxing garden feature. But what about wild frogs? Will they eat your fish?

For one thing, if you have a backyard pond, chances are very high you’ll soon be hosting a frog in the yard. A frog in the pond can help control the insect population in the yard and even in the pond. He will be happy to eat mosquitoes and other larvae that inhabit ponds. Remember, frogs are carnivores.

If your backyard pond contains goldfish, it’s possible some types of frogs may try to eat them. Here again, size matters. Frogs eat things that fit in their mouths. So, it’s best to keep larger fish in the pond. However, very large bullfrogs may still eat the fish unless the fish are quite a bit larger. You may even find the larger goldfish eat the smaller frogs!

If you’d like to keep frogs out of the pond, then there is something you can try. First, ensure there are no shrubs, high grasses, and other areas where frogs would like to hide. Frogs use covers to hide from predators.

Next, add an aerator to the pond. This keeps the water circulating, which the frog will not enjoy. However, an aerator is an excellent addition to your pond fish. The aerator helps to keep the water oxygenated, which keeps fish healthy. Adding a waterfall or other water feature can also be beneficial for the fish and discourage frogs.

So, there you have it! Frogs can and will eat fish, but only if the fish fit in the frog’s mouth. When adding a frog to an established aquarium, it’s always a good idea to research your new pet and the type of environment he needs to be happy and healthy.

If you do add a frog to your aquarium, make sure the fish are about the same size as the frog. And remember to keep your frog well-fed. This may keep him from eating your fish!

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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.

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