Give Salmon Oil for Your Dogs Regularly – Know Its Benefits

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 04/19/21 •  3 min read
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Fish is considered to be a brain food as it contains various nutrients like protein, DHA, and EPA (omega-3 acids), and more. When it comes to salmon oil, it not only offers health benefits to humans, but also for pets too.

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Dogs that lack nutritional values experience various health problems. They include poor liver and kidney functioning, dermatitis, poor immune system, allergies, coat disorders, and others.

At Canine Biologics, you can purchase top-quality salmon oil for dogs included in their nutrition system. Also, they offer good discounts on their products.

Is salmon oil a healthy option for dogs?

Yes. Adding salmon oil to the dog’s diet is the best way to maintain overall well-being. The reason is, salmon oil contains both omega 3 & 6 acids, which support the health of the heart and immune system, cognitive functioning, and more.

Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids help in supporting the skin and coat of a dog. That is, salmon oil can help in wound healing and prevent skin allergies.

Differences between standard fish oil and salmon fish

Most of the fish oils available on the market are extracted from forage fishes such as menhaden, sardines, anchovies, and herring. In the process of extraction, fishes are rendered in the reinforced form (including their organs).

Salmon oil is extracted from the freshly harvested fishes, and the processing takes place within few hours after harvesting. So, the produced oil is pure and free of contaminants.

Benefits of using salmon oil

Salmon oil provides several benefits to dogs, a few of them are listed below. They include:

Reduces inflammation – The DHA and EPA acids of salmon oil help to reduce inflammation in dogs. The inflammation can cause canine arthritis, an autoimmune disease.

Reduces skin allergies – Salmon oil is an ideal option for dogs with skin allergies caused by toxic chemicals, insect bites, and others. Salmon oil has supplements that reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions such as hair loss, flaking, and itching. Also, it can help with the overactive immune system and in calming down the furry one.

Promotes weight loss – The regular use of salmon oil can help in reducing the weight of obese dogs. The omega-3 acids in salmon fish improve the metabolism, which helps to burn excess calories.

In addition to this, salmon oil can also help with cancer, low blood pressure, bladder problems, coordination and mobility, joint pain, brain functioning, and more.

You can add salmon oil to your furry one’s diet in many ways. Either you can add it to its food or give a supplement at mealtime. The dose of salmon oil depends on the weight of the dog. If the dog is heavier, then it requires more doses.

In case you are giving supplements for the first time, observe its reaction like bad breath, loose stools, and nausea. You can talk to your veterinarian to know about the dosage and diet changes of the dog.

Many stores offer pure salmon oil extracted from harvested fishes, choose the best one, and order salmon oil today.

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!