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Your dog’s poop can tell you a lot about his overall health. While it may be really gross, checking your dog’s poop regularly is a great way to spot a health issue before it becomes a major issue.
What should you do if you see white specks in your dog’s poop that aren’t moving and are not worms? That’s exactly what we’ll cover in this article!
Before we get started, we’d just like to warn anyone who has a sensitive stomach. This article will be talking about looking at dog poop and describing what is in the poop. Now, let’s get started!
What Are Those White Specks in Your Dog’s Poop?
While you may not have seen this before, it’s not uncommon for a dog’s poop to have white specks in it. If the white specks are not moving, then they could be caused by something your dog has eaten.
The specks could also be caused by medications your dog has taken, which may not have fully dissolved. Or the specks could even be fly eggs that were laid in dog poop that’s been outside for a little while.
On the other hand, if the white specks are moving, this is probably an indication that your dog could have a parasitic infection of some kind. This is a problem for the vet.
How to Check Your Dog’s Poop For White Specks
As we mentioned earlier, it’s good practice to monitor your dog’s poop frequently. This may be once a week or every day, depending on what your vet recommends. Most of the time, once a week monitoring is OK if your dog is pretty healthy.
Once your dog has gone potty, then that’s the perfect time to check his poop. Doing it right away ensures that flies don’t have time to lay their eggs in it. You might use a garden trowel when checking your canine companion’s poop. The trowel is a great way to move the poop and cut it in half to see inside.
When your dog has pooped, then stop and monitor the poop for about 30 seconds. That may sound ridiculous, but 30 seconds is a good amount of time. You can check the poop for white specks (moving or not), blood, and more. It’s not a glorious job to monitor your pup’s poop; however, it’s necessary in order to make sure your dog is healthy and stays that way.
If your dog’s poop has white specks that aren’t moving, then this may not be a serious issue. However, it’s one that you should still pay attention to.

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Ask a Vet Live NowWhat Are the White Non-Moving Specks in Your Dog’s Poop?
If you all of a sudden notice white specks in your dog’s poop that aren’t moving, they could be caused by one of the following:
Food remnants: it’s possible the white specks could be from something that your dog has eaten recently. This can include bones, food that your dog didn’t digest well, grains, or even rice. It’s also possible that your fur baby has eaten something while he was outside, and it’s coming out as white specks.
Medication: sometimes, when a dog has medication in capsules, the entire capsule may not dissolve after he swallows it. This can also happen with medication in the form of pills or tablets. In that case, the specks may resemble small bits of white rice. You may suspect this is the cause if your canine companion has recently started taking a new medication. If the white specks show up soon after, this could be the cause.
Bones: sometimes, dog food may contain small bits of white bone, which a dog may not completely digest. This is often a cause for white, non-moving specks in dog poop.
Fly eggs: in poop that’s been outside for any length of time, it’s possible that a fly has come along and laid eggs. In that case, the poop will have white specks in it.
What About Tape Worms?
White specks in dog poop may also be caused by a tape worm infection. However, the eggs usually move. But if you don’t see movement and find other signs of tapeworms in your dog, then it’s time to call the vet.
You may notice these symptoms, along with white specks in your dog’s poop:
- Diarrhea (which may have white specks in it)
- The dog excessively licks his rear end
- Increased appetite (without weight gain)
- Abdominal pain
- Irritability
- Poor skin condition
- Lethargy
It’s also possible for adult tapeworms to become so long inside the dog that they create an intestinal blockage. This is a very dangerous condition that can lead to death if left untreated.
If you notice these symptoms and/or white specks in your dog’s poop, then it’s time to call the vet. And it’s recommended to call the vet even if your dog doesn’t have these symptoms. If he has white specks that are not moving in his poop, and you can’t figure out what the specks could be, then it’s best to have the vet check your dog.
Treatment of Tapeworms in Dogs
The vet will run a test of your dog’s poop, so you’ll need to bring in a fresh sample for analysis. The vet will be able to tell if the white specks are tapeworms or not. Tapeworm eggs are larger than most other parasites’ eggs. Your dog may have to have several tests to determine if he has tapeworms or not. This is because the eggs may not come out in the poop.
Another way your vet can check for tapeworms is by using the adhesive tape test. They will take a piece of tape and place it across the dog’s anus. They will then move the tape very slowly and carefully and gently remove it. The vet will then look at the tape under a microscope to see if there are signs of tapeworms or other parasites.
Treatment of tapeworms is done with a deworming treatment. The treatment needs to remove all the tapeworms, their heads, and eggs. Otherwise, the dog will become re-infected over and over again. Your vet knows this and will choose the proper tapeworm treatment for your dog.
Summing It Up
White specks in your dog’s poop may or may not be anything to worry about. If you’re not able to figure out what the white specks could be, then it’s best to take a fresh sample of your dog’s poop to be analyzed by the vet.
Remember, it’s gross, but it’s a good idea to always monitor your dog’s poop. Then you’ll know what’s normal or not. If you spot something abnormal, then you can take action right away! Prompt medical treatment means your dog will be feeling better in no time if he has a medical problem!
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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.
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