My Turtle Ate His Poop What Should I Do?

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 12/11/20 •  3 min read
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This is a gross topic, we understand. But it’s a common question that pet parents ask about their turtles. While this is gross to us, perhaps there’s a reason a turtle does this.

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Why Do People Keep Turtles as Pets?

Turtles are just so interesting! They make a quite a unique pet and are sometimes a great option for people who are allergic to other types of animals.

Do Turtles Need Much Space?

While many turtles start off small, not all will stay that way. There are quite a few types of turtles that can become quite large over the years. Most turtles live in a habitat that creates a healthy place for the animal to live.

Some turtles may require a large aquarium, with special heat lights to keep them warm. And even aquatic turtles will require some “land” to get out and bask once in a while. Plus, they need plenty of room to swim.

What Do Turtles Eat?

When they’re young, most turtles are carnivores. This means they depend solely on animal protein to survive. As they become older, however, many turtles become omnivores, which means they eat both animal protein and plant matter.

In some cases, however, turtles will also eat their own poop. Have you ever seen your turtle eat his own poop?

Turtles Eat Their Own Poop

This is a common issue and it’s one that’s quite natural. For one thing, turtles eat their own poop in order to eat the healthy bacteria in the poop. Not only that, but turtles will sometimes do this to eat the nutrients that passed out in their poop without being digested. Yuck!

However, you might consider that your turtle is recycling their food! OK—not funny, but it’s true. Turtles will do this to keep from missing those important nutrients that are in his poop.

We hope you didn’t just eat or that you’re in the process of preparing a meal. This topic really isn’t the best to read just before eating!

Does My Turtle Need to Eat Its Own Poop?

While this is a natural behavior, pet turtles eating their own poop may also be a sign they’re not getting enough to eat. So, you may need to consider increasing your turtle’s diet. It may be necessary to add some green veggies to your turtle’s diet, along with small bits of cooked protein such as fish or chicken.

Another way to keep him from eating his poop is to ensure your turtle’s habitat is kept clean. Be sure to clean up the poop once or twice a day.

The main thing is to ensure that your turtle gets plenty of nutritious food to eat. Then keep his habitat clean. And if you do see him eating his poop, just remember that this is normal turtle behavior. While it is disgusting, it is one method turtles keep themselves healthy and happy.

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!

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