Have you ever dropped some broccoli on the floor, only to find your bunny eating it? It can happen. Bunnies can be under foot as we enjoy great veggies and other foods. And they may hop over to see what kind of great treat you’ve dropped!
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But is broccoli safe for bunnies?
Broccoli and Rabbits
You’ll be happy to hear that broccoli is safe for rabbits, but in moderation. In fact, bunnies do enjoy a bit broccoli now and then. However, experts say that if your bunny’s having broccoli for the first time, you should only give the rabbit a small piece and no more. Then monitor your bun to see if she shows any signs of having digestive issues, such as gas. Gas isn’t a major concern, but it can make your bunny very uncomfortable.
You can start out by giving your bun about 1 tablespoon of broccoli a day. Monitor her for any signs of diarrhea or other issues (such as gas). If her feces stay the same, then you can safely increase the amount of the veggie you give her, but only gradually.
So, you can safely give your bun some broccoli, as long as her digestive system tolerates well. However, broccoli should only be an addition to her diet, not replace other foods that are essential for your rabbit’s health.
What About Cooked Broccoli & Broccoli Stems?
These are also safe for rabbits! However, when it comes to cooked broccoli, raw is best. The same goes for broccoli stems. One note—some bunny parents have noticed their buns seem to have more gas from broccoli stems than from the greens. So, you may want to only give your rabbit a little bit of the stem once in a while to avoid this issue.
My Rabbit Ate Broccoli, Now What?
If your fur bunny has found a piece of broccoli on the floor and eaten it, it’s OK. Just watch her and monitor her feces to check for diarrhea. Also watch to see if she develops gas. Otherwise, your rabbit should be OK.
So, it’s great to learn that broccoli can be a healthy part of your rabbit’s diet! But don’t let the veggie become the main food she eats. In order to stay health, bunnies need to eat a varied diet based on hay, with some veggies to give her a little more variety. Broccoli is OK for her to eat!
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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!Review symptoms, medications & behavior to keep your pets healthy with a Vet Online in just minutes.
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