One of the signs that your dog may have a health issue is bad breath. Many pet parents are surprised by this, yet it’s one of the most common signs a dog is suffering from some type of health problem.
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Has your dog’s breath started smelling like alcohol? Are you worried this may indicate your dog is sick? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. We understand it can be scary when your dog develops this type of symptom.
In this article, we’ll take a look at what can cause a dog’s breath to smell like alcohol and how you can help your dog. Let’s get started!
First Check This!
The most common cause of alcohol breath in dogs is diabetes. Diabetes means that dog’s body doesn’t produce enough insulin, which is needed to break down sugar. When the body needs energy, it then begins to break down fat instead. The fat is metabolized, which produces ketones. The ketones are what cause the dog’s breath to smell like alcohol.
You may also notice these additional symptoms if your dog has developed diabetes:
- Increased thirst/urination
- Weight loss
- Sudden blindness
- Vomiting
- Weakness
- Dehydration
These symptoms, plus the breath smelling like alcohol, are indications that your dog needs to see the vet ASAP.
Uremia in Dogs
Another common cause of alcohol-breath in dogs includes uremia. Uremia is caused by kidneys that are not working properly. When this happens, waste products (normally removed by the kidneys) build up in the dog’s bloodstream and spread throughout the body.
When the toxins are not filtered from the blood, they can affect the entire body. The following systems can be affected:
- Urinary
- Digestive
- Respiratory
- Nervous
- Immune
- And more
Your dog may show the following symptoms if he has uremia:
- Blood in the stool
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Decreased or increased urination
- Lethargy
- Dry coat
- Brownish colored or inflamed tongue
- Foul breath
- Mouth ulcers
- Fever
- And more
If you believe your dog is showing signs of uremia, then it’s imperative to take him to the vet ASAP. This condition can lead to death if not treated.
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Ask a Vet Live NowHow to Help Your Dog
If your dog’s breath smells like alcohol, then this needs to be checked by the vet. Only the vet can make the right diagnosis and develop a treatment plan to help your fur baby.
The good news is that once the underlying health issue has been treated, your dog should feel much better! And his breath will be back to normal doggie breath again!
Connect with a verified veterinarian in minutes. Licensed vets are available 24/7 to answer your questions. No need to worry about your furry family member.
Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.Review symptoms, medications & behavior to keep your pets healthy with a Vet Online in just minutes.
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