My Dog Drank Rum What Should I Do?

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 01/02/22 •  3 min read
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Dog Drank Rum

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Most of us know that alcohol of any type, even rum, is not good for dogs. However, accidents will happen! For example, you may be enjoying a drink on the deck and going over to check something on the grill. Your dog may take advantage of this moment to zip in and drink some of your rum! It’s been known to happen! But what happens when a dog drinks rum?

Has your dog drunk rum? Are you worried the rum will make your dog sick? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. We understand it can be scary when your dog drinks something like this.

We’ve put together some information about rum and whether it can make a dog sick. Let’s get started!

What is Rum?

Rum is a distilled liquor from molasses and sugar cane juice. The mixture is allowed to ferment and then is distilled. Once this process has been completed, the rum is then aged in wooden barrels. The type of wood used in the barrels usually determines the flavor of the rum. Therefore, the longer the rum is aged, the better it will be.

Rum is made all over the world, and each rum has its own particular flavor. Most rum has a sweet flavor, though this will vary. Rum can also be smooth and have a rich, smoky flavor. It also comes in different types, including:

While rum, in moderation, is safe for humans, what about dogs? Can rum make a dog sick?

Rum & Dogs

Unfortunately, rum and other types of alcohol can make a dog very sick. If your dog has had one or two small licks of rum, he will likely be OK.

However, if a dog has more rum than that, he will become very sick.

Symptoms of Rum Toxicity in Dogs

You may notice these symptoms if your dog has drunk rum:

If you notice these symptoms in your dog, call the vet immediately. This is an emergency.

Don’t wait to see if your dog’s symptoms improve or worsen. Alcohol poisoning is serious.

When calling the vet, let them know about how much rum your dog has drunk. Be sure to tell them about when your dog did this. And do not induce vomiting. It’s possible for your dog to aspirate the vomit and choke/stop breathing.

The good news is that dogs who receive prompt treatment have the best chance of making a full recovery. It’s possible they may have a long recovery ahead, depending on how much alcohol the dog drank.

Remember that getting your fur baby to the vet quickly could save his life!

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.

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