My Dog Ate a Wine Cork Will He Get Sick?

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 01/04/24 •  4 min read
Dog Severe Toxicity Level
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Do you enjoy a glass of wine every once in a while? Many of us do! But are you careful about where you put the cork after removing it from the bottle?

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Dogs are incredibly curious about everything in their home and outside. Sometimes they may pick up a new object, and then try to figure out if it’s a toy or something to eat.

It can be hard for dogs to tell sometimes, especially if this new object happens to smell good to them. To some dogs, a wine cork may smell like something pretty yummy. Then down the hatch the cork goes!

Are Wine Corks Safe for Dogs?

What happens if your dog swallows a cork? The main problem is that cork doesn’t digest, even if it’s been chewed up a bit. If the cork is chewed into very small pieces, and we mean very small, then the cork will probably pass on through your fur baby’s digestive tract.

It is strongly recommended to contact a Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian.

However, if the cork was still mainly whole when it went down, then there’s a problem.

What If My Dog Ate the Whole Cork?

There are two problems that could happen if your dog ate the entire cork:

1). Cork could expand: if the bottle stopper was made from real cork, the liquids in his stomach and digestive tract could cause the cork to expand.

2). Intestinal blockage: if the cork expands, or even if it does, there’s a very high probability it will cause an intestinal blockage. This is a serious medical emergency, which left untreated can lead to death. This is especially a problem for smaller dog breeds. However, larger dogs could potentially pass the cork without too much trouble.

Some pet parents are tempted to induce vomiting if their dog ate a foreign object. However, you should only do this if the vet recommends that you do so. Otherwise, you could do more harm.

If your dog happened to chew the cork to bits, then he may vomit most of the chunks up. This can happen, especially in dogs that have a more sensitive stomach. That would be a good thing, but the best thing is to go ahead and call the vet and see what they recommend.

So, whether you know for sure, or not, that your canine companion has eaten a cork, call the vet immediately. When you get there, the vet will examine your dog, ask you questions related to your dog’s health, and then run lab work, including x-rays.

If the cork was eaten recently, then the vet may be able to induce vomiting or do a procedure in-office to remove the cork. On the other hand, if x-rays show the cork has passed through into the intestines, then your fur baby will probably need surgery. If caught and treated quickly, most dogs go on to a full and complete recovery!

How to Keep Your Dog from Chewing on Wine Corks

If your dog loves to chew on just about anything, there are some things you can do to keep him safe. Here are tips to help your dog stop chewing on wine corks and other items:

Chew toys: ensure your fur baby has plenty of chew toys, especially if he loves to chew. Many of our canine friends have a strong urge to chew, so it’s essential to provide your furry friend with plenty of appropriate dog chew toys.

Control the environment: it’s true that dogs love to be free; however, not all dogs handle that freedom well. So, it’s a good idea to dog-proof your home to keep your fur baby from chewing on inappropriate things.

Eliminate stress: some dogs chew because they feel stressed or anxious. Try to make your home environment as stress-free as possible. This may help your dog feel better and from chewing on anything and everything.

Plenty of exercise: is another essential if your fur baby loves to chew. Daily exercise can help ease anxiety and stress in dogs. It’s also a great way to use up pent-up energy your canine friend may have. When he’s tired out, your dog won’t even think about chewing a wine cork or anything else.

Mental stimulation: a bored dog will do anything to relieve their boredom, including chewing on things. So, provide your dog with dog toys that offer him plenty of mental stimulation. You may also want to consider training your fur baby by teaching him some basic commands. Playing with your dog can also help provide the mental stimulation he needs.

Wine corks can be extremely dangerous for your dog. For this reason, make sure to keep all wine corks where your dog can’t get them! You’ll both be better off for it!

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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.

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