My Dog Ate A Button What Should I Do?

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 04/01/21 •  3 min read
Dog Moderate Toxicity Level
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Has your dog eaten a button? Are you worried the button will make your dog sick? If so, then you’ve come to the right place!

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In this article, we’ll take a look at whether or not buttons can be dangerous for a dog. Then we’ll explain what you need to do if your dog has swallowed a button. Let’s get started!

Dogs & Swallowing Foreign Objects

Dogs are not always aware that an object may be dangerous for them. They just see something interesting and decide to explore it. This may mean the dog sniffs the object, pushes it around, and paws it. Then, for reasons we can’t understand, the dog decides to swallow it down! This happens in seconds before you even have the chance to react!

Our canine friends have a reputation for swallowing all types of things. One day it might be a rock; the next, maybe a string looks interesting. You just never know what’s next. It’s a common problem that many veterinarians have to deal with on a regular basis.

It is strongly recommended to contact a Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian.

Dogs & Buttons

For some very strange reason, buttons seem to be a very common foreign object that dogs choose to ingest. However, buttons can be very dangerous.

If the button is small enough, it’s possible the dog will vomit it up. Or the button will pass harmlessly through the dog’s digestive tract and come out in the canine’s poop. However, there’s another possibility that can lead to dire complications.

The third possibility is the button can become lodged somewhere in the dog’s digestive tract. The button may become stuck in the stomach or in the intestines. When this happens, the button can cause what’s called an intestinal blockage. This is a life-threatening medical emergency that may require emergency surgery.

Symptoms When a Dog Swallows a Button

You may notice these symptoms if your dog has swallowed a button:

These symptoms may indicate an intestinal blockage. If your dog is showing any of these symptoms, call the vet immediately. This could be a life-threatening medical emergency.

Treatment of an Intestinal Blockage in Dogs

The vet will take an x-ray (or another type of image) to see if there’s a blockage and where it’s located. The images will help the vet decide the best course of treatment.

If the button is still in the stomach, the vet may try to remove the button by inducing vomiting. Another option is to do an endoscopic procedure to remove the button. However, if the button is in the intestines, then your dog may need to have surgery. The surgery is done to remove the blockage safely.

The good news is that dogs who receive medical care right away will make a complete recovery. And if your dog has a thing for buttons, do everything possible to keep clothing and buttons put away where your dog can’t get them.


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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.

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