Dog Movies on Netflix, Our Top 10!

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 12/02/20 •  8 min read
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When times get tough, what helps to get you and your family through? Watching movies together! And if you have dogs in the family, then what could be better than watching wonderful dog movies to destress and come together as a family?

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We’ve done the research and have found some of the best dog movies, that are perfect for families, that are available on Netflix! These are feel-good movies that you can watch with your kids! Let’s get started!

1). Benji (1974)

You’ve probably seen t his movie, especially if you love dogs! But this classic is still one of the best dog movies around!

This movie was released back in 1974, and tells the story about a homeless dog, who’s a bit on the scruffy side. Benji is loved by everyone in the town and they even give him food and some love when he happens to stop by.

Benji’s favorite people in the town happen to be 2 kids who enjoy playing with him and feeding this small dog. They do so, even though their parents have forbidden them to play with Benji.

Over the course of the movie, the two children are kidnapped. No one, the police and the parents, know where the kids may be. They aren’t able to find the kids. But Benji has the ability and knowledge to track them, and their kidnappers down! But he has to find the kids, first. Will he find them in time?

2). The Stray (2017)

This is another movie about a stray dog named Pluto. He somehow manages to comes across a family who really needs his help. The family is suffering from various types of problems, and one day Pluto arrives.

Pluto manages to wander into the family’s heart from out of nowhere. The dog, in a pretty short amount of time, brings the family hope. One time he saves a toddler, while on another occasion he offers comfort and companionship to a boy who is hurting. Pluto even helps bring fresh love and hope to the parents’ marriage, and to repair a father-son relationship.

Pluto ends up being more than just a guard dog. He’s truly a guardian angel. Did you know the movie’s based on a true story? If we let them, our fur babies can bring so much to our lives and help us in so many ways. This movie is the true story of how dogs bring much to our lives with their love and care of us.

3). White Fang (2018)

This is movie is based on one of Jack London’s famous novels of the same name. In this animated movie, takes place in Yukon Canada, back in the Gold Rush of the 1890s. The dog in this story is a wolf dog, and the movie follows his story as he has three different pet parents.

Each of his pet parents teaches him valuable lessons on love, redemption, and morality. The story of the dog does involve a person who mistreats him, but the dog is then rescued and goes on to have adventures with his new pet parent.

The movie closely follows London’s book and faithfully delivers the powerful story found in the novel.

4). The Fox and the Hound (1981)

In this wonderful story, you’ll find a fox and a dog that become the best of friends. However, as the puppy goes on to become an adult hunting dog and the fox grows up, their friendship naturally starts to suffer.

The story delves into how social pressures can be put on us to meet certain expectations. In this case, the dog (friend of the fox) is told that he must remember that when he grows up, the fox will be his enemy. However, the dog refuses to bend to this rule, hoping he and his friend, the fox, can somehow work things out to be friends forever.

This is a great and timely classic to watch with your entire family!

5). 101 Dalmatians (1996)

This is wonderful story that most people know, but never get tired of watching over and over again! In this story, a man has a male Dalmatian named Pongo. Over time, fate brings the man and Pongo across the paths of Anita, a woman who just happens to have a female Dalmatian named Perdita. Soon the two couples date and then marry. Which leads to Pongo and Perdita having puppies together.

This is where the bad guy (or woman) comes in—Cruella DeVil (played by Glen Close). The couple don’t realize that Cruella wants to make a coat made from Dalmatians, and so has been stealing puppies from all over the city. DeVil learns about Pongo and Perdita’s puppies and has them stolen, too.

We’ll let you know there’s a happy ending after the story follows many exciting twists and turns. And in the end Pongo and Perdita end up adopting 101 puppies, but we’ll let you watch the movie to see how that happens!

6). Air Buddies (2006)

This movie is actually part of the Air Bud series and is a great fell-good tale! In this movie, the five Air Buddies are puppies whose father was the famous Air Bud.

Over the course of the story, the family goes to a basketball game, and leaves the puppies home with a sitter. The puppies soon get into trouble. They’re in so much trouble the family decides they’re no longer able to deal with all the puppies and decides to put them up for adoption.

As the story unfolds, the puppies decide to run away. They’re captured by bad guys and are used to lure Buddy and Molly into a trap. We’ll leave you to learn the ending!

This is a great story your entire family will enjoy!

7). Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009)

Here’s another movie that’s based on a true story—one that deals with loyalty. In this movie, a man (Richard Gere) finds a puppy on the way to work. Unable to find the owner, he takes the puppy home. Initially the man’s wife isn’t happy with the puppy, but the adorable dog eventually wins over the whole family, who adopt him. The puppy now has a fur-ever home!

The puppy’s name is Hachiko, who becomes very attached to his pet parent—the man who saved him. As the man must go to work each day, the dog starts going with him to the train station, and then sits waiting when his pet parent comes homes. However, one day, his favorite person doesn’t come home. Even so, the dog sits waiting every day.

This is true story of a dog that lived in Japan. His pet parent died, but Hachiko waited for him every day at the train station until he died. The Japanese people created a statue dedicated to the dog and his extreme loyalty.

What better story could you watch on a night with your family?

8). Lassie (2005)

Lassie is the classic tale of a boy and his dog set in Yorkshire, in the UK. A miner’s son has a difficult life, but his ever-loving friend and companion is his dog, Lassie, a beautiful Collie. When the boy’s father is out of work, due to closing of the mines, the father says they will need to sell Lassie.

Lassie is bought by a man she doesn’t like, so she ends up running home. Then the family has to return her. This keeps up until her new owner moves to the Scottish Highlands. Even so, Lassie breaks free and goes across country to find her boy, the miner’s son.

Lassie goes through many adventures as she tries to find her way home. Will she be successful? You’ll have to watch the movie to find out!

9).  Alpha & Omega (2010)

This is a great move about two young wolves who find themselves on different sides of the pack’s social order. Even so, they have to learn how to work together to lead their pack back home, while learning to get along with one another.

This is a great story the whole family will enjoy!

10). Super Buddies (2013)

In this movie, you’ll see that cape crusaders aren’t always human, they can be dogs! In this fun-filled movie, the dogs find mysterious rings—rings that will give each of the dogs a superpower.

The dogs try to rescue the Earth from a space alien—are they successful? You’ll just need to snuggle with your kids and fur babies and head over to Netflix, to find out!

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.

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