What You Need To Know About Pet Ownership When Moving Into A New Home

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 06/04/21 •  3 min read
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Over 70 million Americans live in housing units that are part of homeowners’ associations (HOAs). HOAs make and enforce rules and regulations in housing communities, planned neighborhoods, and condominiums. If you’re planning to move in to a new home with your beloved pooch, it’s essential that you are familiar with the HOA rules regarding pet ownership. Finding the right home is not only about ensuring that you have a comfortable and secure space for yourself and your family, but also for your pets.

Maintaining Standards In A Community

Pet restrictions are part of the standards set in maintaining a great community of homeowners. One of the main homeowners association pet restrictions is on the number of animals allowed in the community and per home. The type of pets that are permitted may also be restricted. Controls on the quantity of pets are usually about dogs, and not on smaller animals such as aquarium fishes. That said, service animals cannot be banned under federal laws, and HOAs cannot deny requests of homeowners who need them. Of course, it is still possible that an association may ban animals altogether, but very few choose to do so, limiting instead the number and size of pets that can live in homes or condos.
Hence, before choosing a new residence, ensure that you are in compliance with the HOA rules on pets in order to avoid problems. Most organizations also require that you register your four-legged companions with them and apply for any new acquisition. This is important so that the association can keep track of the pets in the community and follow up with owners who are breaking the rules. It’s also essential that pets have updated vaccinations for the wellbeing of everyone.

Observance Of Pet Policies

For daily life, there will be rules about poop pick-up and elimination. Your HOA might require you to keep your front lawn and common areas free of dog waste. Note that animal excretion is not only unpleasant, but also toxic to public health and safety. Thus, it is in everyone’s interest to collect poop and get rid of it properly.
Excessive barking is also a nuisance, and it is up to you to calm your pooch so that they do not disrupt the lives of residents. If you are unaware that your companion animal is making too much noise, someone may formally complain to the HOA, and you will need to work with the people concerned to minimize the troubles caused by barking. Keeping your dogs on a leash while walking in the neighborhood is recommended as well, and might be a requirement of your association to keep your animals and others safe. Lastly, bear in mind that as an owner, you are legally liable for the actions of your animals in case an accident or injury occurs that is caused by your dog.
Moving to a new home with a four-legged companion should not be stressful if you know the restrictions and rules of homeowners’ associations. Doing so will make the transition easy, and make you and your pet feel welcomed by the commun
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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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