Are Airedale Terrier Good Service Dogs?

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 11/08/22 •  3 min read
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Are Airedale Terrier Good Service Dogs?

Service dogs are trained to help people with disabilities. They’re usually a combination of a dog and a human partner. The dogs have been trained to do a variety of tasks, such as pull wheelchairs, fetch objects, or provide balance support. Service dogs are very well trained and are capable of doing so many tasks because they’re trained to have a specific task in mind at all times. Service dogs can be recognized by their collar, vest, or harness with their name on it.

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Lots of people have decided that service dogs can help them greatly. But what about the breeds of the dogs? Can any sort of animal be trained to help people with disabilities? Are service dogs really capable of helping people with disabilities? Let’s find out.

Benefits of a Service Dog

There are many benefits of having a service dog. The service dog can alert the person with a disability to sounds, including alarms, sirens, doorbells, or telephone rings. They can pull a wheelchair for the person with a disability. The dog can guide the person with a disability who has limited mobility by assisting them get up and down from their wheelchair or bed. The service dog can alert the person with a disability when medications need to be taken and/or when other medical needs occur such as seizures.

However, service dogs can also aid someone with mental and emotional disabilities. For example, they can help someone with autism, anxiety, PTSD, or depression. Service dogs can also help someone with an intellectual disability by alerting them to potential danger.

Will Airedale Terriers Make Good Service Dogs?

Airedale Terriers are a very popular breed of dog. This breed of dog was originally bred to hunt hares and foxes. However, Airedales have a very strong hunting instinct. Airedales can be a very good family dog as well.

These dogs are known for being fairly active without being hyperactive. They are very intelligent and are often used in obedience training. However, Airedales can be a little difficult to train. Their natural hunting instinct makes them more aggressive than other breeds of dogs. They need to be trained so that they can remain calm and focused while guarding their owner.

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They can be a great service dog for those with heart diseases. This is because their active nature can convince you to become active on a regular basis as well. Furthermore, they can help you go on lengthy walks without getting exhausted themselves.

How to Get a Service Dog

First, you need to visit a reputable service dog organization. This is the best way to make sure that you’re getting a service dog that will be trained to meet your needs. Alternative, you can get your preferred dog and then look for a service dog training program in your area. These programs will be able to train you and your dog in various ways. Some programs may focus on teaching obedience and may even include some self-defense training as well.

It’s important that you get your service dog trained to fit your needs perfectly. This also means you’ll have to be present throughout the entire training period, which can take a while. Some places report dogs needing a minimum of six months of training.

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!

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