50 Dog Names Ending in Z

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 01/21/21 •  7 min read
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You’ve adopted a new puppy or dog! Congratulations! Both your and your dog’s lives have changed furever and the adventures are just beginning!

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Having a canine companion is one of the greatest joys in life. What can take the place of a precious companion? Nothing can replace your dog’s kisses and snuggles or having fun with your fur baby. But as there are many joys with having a dog, there are also many responsibilities.

One of the first responsibilities you’ll encounter is choosing a name for your dog. Yes, this is a responsibility. Your dog’s name will be what you call him or her for the rest of their lives. Their name will be the cue used when training or calling them. The name will also be used to express love by the way  you say it. Picking your dog’s name is a big responsibility.

However, we understand that choosing a name isn’t always easy. While there are many places to find inspiration, you may not come across just the right name for your dog. So, to help you get started in the search for the perfect name, we’ve created a list of unique dog names.

These dog names all end in the letter Z! We’re very sure you won’t hear these names everywhere, which makes them a great choice. Your fur baby won’t have any confusion about who’s calling them or who is being referred to! These are names that are very uncommon for dogs. Let’s get started!

Male Dog Names Ending with Z

1). Aziz: is a Muslim name that means “powerful, dear.” If you have a large, strong dog, this would be the perfect name for him.

2). Aariz: is a Muslim name that means “respectable man, intelligent.” This would be a great name for a dog who is both wise and intelligent.

3). Abayaz: is an Indian name, which means “white.” Does your fur baby have white or light colored fur? Then this would be a great name for him!

4). Aejaz: is an Indian name, which means “karma.” Surely your dog has great karma if he’s been adopted by you!

5). Afraz: is a Muslim name that means “standing tall like a mountain.” This could be a fitting name for a large, tall dog such as Great Dane, a Neapolitan Mastiff, or a Great Pyrenees.

6). Aleez: is a Hebrew name, which means “joyful one.” What a great name for a dog who’s always happy!

7). Alfez: is an Indian name that means “handsome, charming.” Does your dog have a charming personality? Is he handsome? Then this could be the perfect name for him.

8). Alojz: is a Czech/Slovak name that means “famous warrior.”

9). Amohaz: is an Indian name, which means “Amazing.” If your fur baby is the stuff of legends, then why not choose this name for him?

10). Aparviz: is a Parsi name that means “victorious.”

11). Arbaaz: is an Indian name that means “eagle.”

12). Aureliusz: is a Polish name that means “golden.” This is the perfect name for a Golden Retriever, Golden Lab, or any dog who has goldish-colored fur.

13). Bayaz: is an Indian name, which means “white or bright.” Another great name for a dog who has white or light-colored fur.

14). Behrooz: is a Parsi name that means “lucky.” Surely your fur baby is a very lucky dog to be adopted by you! He will have a great furever home!

15). Buzz: is a Celtic/Gaelic/Scottish name that means “village in the woods.” This would be a great name choice if you live in a small village or town that’s located in the woods.

17). Cortez: is a Spanish name, which means “conqueror.” If your canine companion has conquerored your heart, then surely this is the best name for him.

18). Daniz: is an Azerbaijani name, which means “the sea.” Does your fur baby enjoy playing and swimming in the water? Does he like to go to the ocean or sea with you? Then why not choose this ame for him?

19). Ezaz: is an Indian name, which means “rewarding.” You’ll have many rewards for adopting your dog!

20). Faraz: is a Parsi name that means “on the top.” Does your dog like to reach high places when you’re out hiking? Or does he think he’s the top dog in your home?

21). Fauz: is a Muslim name that means “success, victory.”

22). Fritz: is a German name that means “peaceful ruler.”

23). Hafez: is a Parsi name, which means “protector, guardian.” If your dog is protective and guards your home and family, this could be a great name for him.

24). Iyaz: is a Muslim name that means “generous, bountiful.” Does your dog share his toys with others?

25). Kambiz: is an Indian name, which means “fortunate.”

Girl Dog Names that End in Z

Now, here are some girl dog names that end in Z!

26). Adaliz: is a French name, which means “of the nobility, noble.” Does your fur baby have a noble bearing? Then this might be the perfect name for her!

27). Alisz: is a German name that means “sweet.” What better name could you choose for a dog who has a sweet spirit and personality?

28). Arnaz: is a Parsi name that means “purely graceful.” This could be the best name choice for an Afghan Hound, Greyhound, or a Pharaoh Hound.

29). Atanaz: is a Persian name, which means “father’s sweetheart.” If your fur baby is a daddy’s girl, then this would be a great name for your dog.

30). Beatriz: is a Latin name that means “brings joy.” Does your canine friend bring you joy? We bet she does!

31). Cheriluz: is a Latin name, which means “beloved light.” Is your fur baby the light of your life? Then maybe this would be the right name for her.

32). Delnaz: is a Persian name, which means “sweetheart, beloved.” Here’s another great name choice if your dog is the light of your life!

33). Elnaz: is a Turkish name that means “lovely, beautiful.”

34). Fajyaz: is an Indian name, which means “artistic.” If you have a creative spirit, then this might be a great name for your dog.

35). Farnaz: is a Persian name that means “flirtatious.” Yes, dogs can be flirtatious!

36). Inez: is a Spanish name that means “gentle, pure.” What a pretty name for a girl dog who is very gentle and loving.

37). Jehannaz: is an Indian name that means “pride of the universe.” While that may be true, we’re also sure your fur baby is the pride of your heart.

38). Kaniz: is a Parsi name that means “maiden.”

39). Liz: is an English name that’s short for Elizabeth, which means “my God is abundance.”

40). Luz: is a Spanish name that means “light.” This would be the perfect name for a dog that has white or light-colored fur, or if she has bright eyes and a lively spirit!

41). Mahnaz: is an Iranian name, which means “glory of the moon.” How pretty is that?

42). Nargiz: is an Armenian name that means “narcissus flower.”

43). Navaz: is a Parsi name that means “one who caresses.” Does your dog like to put her foot on you? These are like doggie caresses!

44). Paniz: is a Persian name that means “sugar.” If your fur baby is sweet, what better name could you choose for her?

45). Parnaaz: is a Punjabi name that means “God’s grace.”

46). Paz: is a Hebrew name that means “golden.” If your fur baby has goldish-reddish fur, this could be a pretty and unique name for her.

47). Perooz: is an Armenian name that means “turquoise.” Does your dog have pretty blue eyes?

48). Rez: is a Hungarian name which means “copper, redhead.”

49). Sanaz: is a Persian name that means “a flower.”

50). Tazz: is an Indian name, which means “fresh.”

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article, but even more that you’ve found the perfect name for your dog!

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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.

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