How to Choose a Name for Your Dog

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 12/23/20 •  3 min read
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Naming your dog sounds like a straightforward thing to do, right? At least that’s what everybody believes until it’s time to give their puppy a name. In fact, various dog names can have a huge impact on the pet itself.

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For instance, names that sound like a command you want to teach your dog can be confusing for the animal. That’s why, if you can’t decide which name to pick, it’s good to consider a few things first.

With that in mind, create your list of cute pet names, and pick the perfect one using our useful tips.

Dog Naming Considerations

The first rule of dog naming is ensuring you choose something unique. Every park is full of Maxes, Charlies, or Bellas. Don’t get us wrong, these are cute names, but if you wish to give your dog a personality, maybe it’s best to consider something else.

Secondly, keep in mind that dogs like short names. And as tempting as it may sound to name your pet Chewbacca, it’s better to keep it short with Chewie. What’s more, dogs prefer names with a hard consonant sound, like “c” or “k,” as it helps them distinguish it from other sounds.

Dog Name Ideas

Considering the information above and your dog’s breed and size, you should be able to pick the perfect name for your pet. The internet is full of names you can choose from. However, it’s best to come up with something that is truly yours.

Think about what you like to give your dog a more unique and fun name – it would be cool if it was associated with your hobbies and passions! Or maybe, you’d like to honor a family member or friend and give your pet a human name? Make sure you get their opinion first, though.

Final Note

Choosing a name for your dog can be fun. It’s best not to look at lists of the most popular dog names, though. Even if you’re out of ideas, you should come up with something unique and fun. That’s why it’s best to think about the things you love doing.

Also, as you can see, the dog name you pick should meet a few requirements. With that in mind, it’s best if your dog name is short, contains a “c” or “k,” and doesn’t sound like a popular command.

Keep in mind that giving more thought to a name you want to give your dog will ensure it’s unique and fun.

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!