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You love your dog but there’s one issue that’s not so pleasant to deal with. When you have a yard, it’s possible your canine companion may go potty in the same places most of the time. That can lead to dead grass, dead flowers, and mess. So, what can you do?
Rather than dealing with piles of poop and puddles of urine all over, you may want to consider creating a dog potty area in your yard. This is a part of the yard where your dog will go potty.
It can be difficult to know how to make a potty area for the dog. So, we’ve put together some information about different ideas on how to create a dog potty area. Let’s get started!
How to Make a Dog Potty Area
You may feel overwhelmed at the idea of creating a dog potty area, and understand! But it’s possible, and it’s not hard to build a potty place for your dog. We can tell you building a fence in the corner of the yard isn’t the right way to build a place for your fur baby to use the bathroom.
It’s necessary to create a sanitary area where your canine companion feels comfortable urinating and pooping. The process entails finding the right materials to make the area safe and comfortable for your dog, as well as being easy to clean.
How to Choose a Material for Your Dog’s Potty Area
The most important part of building a dog potty area is using the suitable materials. It comes down to what’s best for your dog and the yard. It’s imperative to choose a material that’s safe and comfortable for your dog.
Here are some things to consider when choosing a material:
Absorbency: many dogs don’t like getting their feet wet with urine, so the material for the dog potty space should be good at absorbing liquid.
Odor: the material should also not trap odor that bothers you and the neighbors.
Feels comfortable: the material should also feel comfortable on a dog’s paws any time of the year.
Feels similar: most dogs prefer to potty in a place that has material they’re comfortable with. For instance, some dogs will look for any small clump of grass to poop on. With that, they may hold on in their search for a place with grass.
Cleanup: should be easy for you and your family. The material makes even picking up poop easy.
Easy maintenance: the material must stay in good shape for long periods. Otherwise, it will need to be replaced fairly often.
Pests: be sure to choose a material that does not attract pests.

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Ask a Vet Live NowMaterials to Consider for Your Dog’s Potty Area
Here’s a list of materials to consider using in your dog’s designated potty spot!
1. Mulch
Much is a popular choice for building a dog potty area. It’s affordable, easy to find, and many people already have it for landscaping and use in the garden. However, there are some important issues to consider with mulch—it’s not always the right choice for a dog’s bathroom.
The main concern is that not all mulch is safe for dogs. Some wood is harmful and toxic to dogs. For this reason, be sure to check to see if the mulch is made of wood safe for dogs.
Another problem is that mulch is highly absorbent. That may seem like a good thing for a dog’s urine. However, consider that the mulch also absorbs and hangs on to odors. Some pet parents have said their mulched dog potty areas stink badly after it rains.
2. Sand
Sand is a bit like cat litter and can make a dog’s potty area safe and easy to clean. Most dogs will use a sandy area with no problem. However, this is not always the best material to use.
For one thing, a dog may track sand into your house. This can be a problem if you have wood floors that are easily damaged by rough debris, such as sand. Plus, it makes a mess in the house.
Another problem is that sand can wash away in heavy rains. For potty areas that are completely enclosed, this won’t be a problem. However, open potty areas will wash out, and it will be necessary to replace the sand repeatedly.
3. Pea Gravel
Pea gravel is another popular choice for a dog’s potty area. Pea gravel is finely ground gravel that acts very much like cat litter. It drains well and doesn’t wash out or blow away. The gravel also adds some interest and beauty to your yard.
Another great feature of pea gravel is that it is smooth. Your fur baby won’t hurt his feet on the gravel when going potty. However, dogs that aren’t used to going on pea gravel may take some time to get used to the idea. They may take some encouragement, plenty of praise, and a few treats to be convinced their new bathroom is a great place to go!
4. Natural Grass
A dog’s potty area can also be left as natural grass. Grass has some benefits over other materials. For one thing, grass doesn’t usually wash or blow away. That means less refilling of the area. Dogs are also more used to grass; some even prefer pooping in the grass.
On the other hand, urine and feces will build up in your dog’s bathroom area. That means it’s necessary to keep the area clean by picking up poop and washing the grass down periodically. This helps remove the urine from the spot.
5. Artificial Turf
Another option for your dog’s potty area is artificial turf (fake grass). Artificial turf blends in with natural grass and other landscaping. It may also be more comfortable for some dogs.
Artificial turf also won’t wash or blow away, and it doesn’t entrap odors like other materials. The main problem with this material is cleaning dog poop out of the turf.
Summing It Up
Building a dog potty area doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. It comes down to choosing a spot in the yard and using material that your dog is comfortable with. The material must also be safe, hygienic, and easy to clean.
So, be sure to take a little time to consider what’s best for your dog and your yard. Once your dog understands this space is his bathroom, he’ll be more than happy to use it!
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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.
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