Dog Care 101: 5 Important Tips

Reviewed By Tom •  Updated: 03/08/21 •  4 min read
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As a new fur parent to an adorable dog, you might be wondering how you can properly take care of your fur baby and keep him/her happy and healthy. Even if your dog has been with you for some time, it won’t hurt to learn new ways of properly taking care of them.

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However, for beginners, it’s best to keep in mind the very basics of dog care. So, read on below to know the five most important tips:

Make Sure Your Dog Gets A Well-Balanced Diet

Just like humans, your dog must also get a well-balanced diet. To guide you with this, you can look for expert advice from pet-niche websites like The advice and reviews can help you determine the proper nutrition and serving size for your dog; the requirements would vary depending on the age, size, and breed. A good rule of thumb, however, is to feed puppies and adult dogs with premium-quality dry food. Older dogs may have their dry food mixed with water or broth.

While it’s common to see dogs being fed with steaks and meat on TV shows and movies, this should be limited in real life. Treating your dog frequently with ‘people food’ can cause multiple health problems, such as nutritional imbalances, bone and teeth problems, and obesity. 

Meanwhile, you can still treat your dog with ‘people food’ like cooked egg, cottage cheese, fruits, and vegetables as long as it doesn’t make up more than 10% of their daily food intake. Lastly, make sure you provide clean drinking water to avoid dehydration. You must also keep their food bowls clean to avoid bacterial and viral diseases.

Exercise And Play With Your Dog 

Regular exercise and play can affect the physical and overall well-being of your pets. A dog that lacks activity can exhibit destructive behavior. This includes excessive licking, digging, and chewing.

Dogs have a need to stay active and the duration would also vary by age and breed. Aside from fetch, you can play hide and seek with your dog, or keep him/her busy with puzzles or toys.

Groom Your Dog Regularly 

Proper hygiene is also important for dogs. You don’t have to bathe them every day but if your dog loves going outdoors, then you may need to bathe and clean him/her more often. 

Dogs are more likely going to catch parasites and diseases if they aren’t frequently cleaned and groomed. Below are the most basic hygiene routines that you should do for your dog:

Prepare A Warm and Secure Sleeping Place For Them

There are different types of dog crates, beds, or dog houses that could work as a sleeping and resting area for your dog. No matter what type of dog housing you choose, you have to make sure that it stays clean, dry, safe, and snug.

Look After Your Dog’s Health 

Dogs can fall ill too. Hence, you should always be on the lookout for their health. If you notice that they aren’t eating or playing as much as before, then something might be wrong. Bring them to the nearest vet clinic so they could receive proper care and medication immediately.

But as they say, prevention is better than cure. Your dog should have a yearly check-up where a veterinarian can physically examine them, give necessary shots, and do a heartworm test. Getting pet insurance is highly recommended, especially for older and senior dogs who need preventive care as well as full check-ups performed on a semi-annual basis.

In addition, puppies should undergo a vaccination program by the time they’re four months of age. These canine vaccines can prevent Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and other dog diseases. 

Prioritize Your Pet’s Well-being At All Costs

Owning a pet also comes with huge responsibilities. To properly care for your dog, it’s important to feed them with the right food. Aside from that, you must keep them active, clean and hygienic, and take them to the vet for a routine health check annually or twice a year.

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Tom has always loved to write since he was little - he wanted to be either a writer or a veterinary doctor, but he ended up being a professional writer while most of his works are based on animals. He was born in San Francisco but later moved to Texas to continue his job as a writer. He graduated from the University of San Francisco where he studied biotechnology. He is happily married and a soon to be father!

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