Golden Irish – Owner’s Guide

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 08/07/22 •  6 min read
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Golden Irish

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Do you love Golden Retrievers and Irish Setters but have trouble choosing which dog breed to adopt? If so, why not consider the Golden Irish?

If you haven’t heard about the Golden Irish dog breed before, that’s OK. This is a relatively new dog breed! We’ve put together some details about this dog breed so you can decide if this is the right dog for you and your family. Let’s get started!

What is a Golden Irish?

The Golden Irish is a hybrid dog developed by crossing a purebred Golden Retriever with a purebred Irish Setter. What a great combination of dogs! It’s thought the dogs were first developed back in the 1980s when breeders were developing “designer dogs.”

While we don’t know much about the history of the Golden Irish dog breed, we can learn something about these dogs by taking a look at their purebred parents.

Quick Overview of the Golden Retriever

Most people recognize a Golden Retriever when they see one. That’s because these dogs are highly popular in the US. The dogs were originally developed in Scotland, where they were bred to hunt and retrieve waterfowl. Today, these dogs are still used as working dogs but they also make wonderful family companions.

Golden Retrievers are famous for being friendly and highly intelligent dogs. They’re also extremely loyal to their families. This is a dog breed that usually matures slowly. They are sometimes called “Peter Pan” dogs because they have a puppy-like personality well into old age.

Goldens need plenty of exercise and love walking, hiking, jogging, and more. They also love to swim! Golden Retrievers have long, yellow-reddish fur and do shed a little bit.

The Irish Setter

The other purebred parent of the Golden Irish is the Irish Setter. These dogs were originally bred in Ireland to hunt birds. The dogs are very famous and recognized pretty quickly by their long, flowing red locks. The dogs are full of energy and need plenty of space to run. They do best with an active family, and the dogs want to be with their people most of the time. When left too long on their own, the dogs can develop separation anxiety.

Irish Setters are highly intelligent dogs that can be somewhat independent and mischievous. Like the Golden Retriever, the Irish Setter is also slow to mature and keeps a puppy-like attitude most of their lives. For this reason, the dogs make great play companions for older kids.

So, with parents like these, the Golden Irish is a wonderful dog breed!

The Golden Irish stands between 21 to 28 inches and weighs between 55 to 80 lbs. They have a life expectancy of 10 to 15 years.

Golden Irish Temperament

You won’t be surprised to learn that the Golden Irish dog is highly intelligent. They take after their purebred parents in this respect. Expect a Golden Irish to be a little mischievous and very playful! What’s more, these dogs are also great escape artists. So, it’s best not to leave them unattended out in the yard.

The Golden Irish is a very loving, affectionate dog. Don’t be surprised if he tries to sit in your lap! They are also extremely friendly and take well to strangers. For this reason, these dogs are not very good watchdogs. This is a dog that has a loving nature, and they want to be with their families and pet parents all the time. We can’t stress that enough. In addition, the dogs are very sensitive and don’t take well to anger.

Are These Dogs Great for Families?

Yes! Golden Irish dos are great for families. They make wonderful playmates for older kids. The dogs are great with younger kids, too, but they’re very playful and could accidentally knock over a younger child.

Because these dogs are loving and patient, they can also get along well with seniors. However, if Golden Irish dogs are left alone for long periods, they can develop separation anxiety.

Do Golden Irish Dogs Get Along with Other Pets?

These dogs are usually friendly with just about all dogs and other pets. They get along well with cats and other pets; however, they may also chase them. Remember, these dogs were bred to hunt, and they still have a strong prey drive. The dogs usually won’t attack cats and small pets, but they may find it fun to chase them!

Food & Diet

When it comes to their food and diet, the Golden Irish need high-protein, high-fat dog food to provide them with the energy they need. The dogs need about three cups of dry dog food a day.


The Golden Irish is an energetic dog that needs about one hour of exercise a day but more’s better! If they don’t get enough exercise, these dogs will exercise themselves. That means they’ll rampage through the house and in the yard. They may also dig up the flower bed or vegetable garden. Why not? It’s fun to see the plants fly!

These dogs also excel at dog sports and competitions such as agility, obedience, and other activities.


The Golden Irish dog breed is one that loves to learn, which makes them very trainable. They learn quickly and thrive when given a job to do. The more they’re taught, the happier they are. Plus, training your dog regularly develops that special bond that these dogs love.

Golden Irish dogs do best when you use positive reinforcement training methods, with plenty of treats and praise.


The Golden Irish is a hybrid dog breed that sheds quite a bit. So, they require daily brushing to control shedding and keep their beautiful fur from matting. While they need regular brushing, the dogs don’t need to be bathed too often. The dogs only need a bath when they become pretty stinky and dirty.

Summing It Up

So, there you have it! The Golden Irish is a hybrid mix of the Golden Retriever and the Irish Setter. These are beautiful dogs that are eager to please, loving, kind, and sensitive. They make wonderful family companions for active families, and they need to be with their people most of the time.

We’re very sure if you adopt one of these loving, friendly dogs you’ll have a wonderful companion for many years to come!

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.

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