F1 vs. F1B Goldendoodle: What is the Difference

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 01/03/21 •  6 min read
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Goldendoodles are dogs that have won the heart of many pet owners. With their compatibility with most families with allergies and their energy, it isn’t surprising that you want to own one too.

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Now, you may be at crossroads on which of the breed types you want to pay for. As a cross between a Standard Poodle and a Golden Retriever; Goldendoodles have many crossbreed types. So, if you must pay for one, you need to understand the characteristics so you will make an informed decision.

This article arms you with the knowledge you need to know about F1 and F1B, which are the 2 major crossbreeds of Goldendoodles?

What is an F1 Goldendoodle?

We will first start by understanding the meaning of each of those crossbreeds. We want to find out what the F1 Goldendoodle means.

An F1 Goldendoodle is the first crossbreed, and it is usually easier to get this crossbreed when a Golden Retriever and a Standard Poodle are bred together.

So, suffice us to say that this is the major crossbreed that Goldendoodle lovers want to pay for.

We must also mention that the F1 Goldendoodle is a 50/50 cross between a Golden Retriever and a Standard Poodle. As such, they are highly compatible with families that have mild allergies.

Moreover, you rest assured that your F1 Goldendoodle will have few health issues because the dog has stronger genetics thanks to the dual genes it pulls from its parent dogs.

What is F1B Goldendoodle?

The F2B Goldendoodle could have had similar features as the F1 Goldendoodle only that it is a back cross. The letter ‘’B’’ indicates that.

When a Goldendoodle is said to be a back cross, as is the case with the F1B Goldendoodle, it means that the dog was initially bred as an F1 Goldendoodle before it was bred back to a Poodle.

In light of that, it means that an F1 Goldendoodle is crossed with a Poodle.  This method of breeding an F1B Goldendoodle may seem hard and too tough, but dog lovers are happy with the impressive outcomes.

For one, F1B Goldendoodles do not shed as much as the F1 Goldendoodles do. More so, you will find them to be more compatible with families with moderate to severe allergies.

Differences between F1 and F1B Goldendoodles

Do you want to learn about the different factors that make F1 and F1B Goldendoodles different and unique?

Here are some of their characteristics that give you ideas about the different attributes that either of the F1 and F1B Goldendoodles has:


You must have drawn up a budget before you consider buying a Goldendoodle. Already, you know that Goldendoodles aren’t ‘’cheap’’ because they can cost a couple of thousands.

The difference in the price is one of the factors that separate an F1 Goldendoodle from an F1B Goldendoodle.

On the one hand, the price of the F1 Goldendoodle can be anywhere between $600 and $800. That is fairly affordable for dog lovers that want to enjoy what a standard Goldendoodle has to offer without breaking a bank.

On the other hand, you may need to increase your budget if you want to buy an F1B Goldendoodle because the price can be as high as a thousand dollars. Of course, the price is justifiable considering that an F1B Goldendoodle doesn’t shed much, and it has improved traits and improvements.


Spending a few hundred dollars or a thousand dollars to pay for a Goldendoodle is only a start. Some dog owners seemingly become frustrated when they find it hard to pay for their dog’s maintenance. So, that brings us to another aspect of the differences between an F1 and an F1B Goldendoodle.

We advise that you pay for an F1 Goldendoodle if you don’t have much money to spare. That is because an F1 Goldendoodle requires high-level care (that you can afford) when compared to what you will spend for an F1B Goldendoodle.

However, if you can afford it, paying for an F1B Goldendoodle wouldn’t be a bad idea because you will comfortably foot the bills for high-level maintenance and grooming of the dog.

You can care for your F1B Goldendoodle dog in many ways, including:

F1 vs. F1B Goldendoodle Body Mass

You also need to factor in the weight and height when you are looking for the differences between an F1 and an F1B Goldendoodle.

Generally, it is assumed that the height and weight of both an F1 and an F1B Goldendoodle are the same. At most, the dogs will reach a maximum (weight) of 100 pounds.

However, that may vary depending on the weight of the parent dogs. For example, if the parent dog of an F1 Goldendoodle is a Medium Goldendoodle that weighs 35 pounds; there would be likely differences in weight when the parent dog of an F1B Goldendoodle is a Standard Goldendoodle that weighs up to 45 pounds.

F1 vs. F1B Goldendoodle Feeding Pattern

You must consider the feeding pattern except you want your dog to fast to death or lose weight faster.

It will interest you to know that there isn’t much difference here because both the F1 and the F1B Goldendoodle have the same feeding pattern.

By and large, you must be prepared to feed the dogs up to four times a day and the food must be specially prepared to contain the necessary nutrients their body needs to grow.

Besides, the important considerations for their meals include:

Note that it is non-negotiable to feed either of your F1 or F1B Goldendoodle four times a day. You can only vary the feeding ratio by dividing the meals two times with double the quantity.


Whether you want to pay for the F1 or the F1B Goldendoodle, you must be certain of their differences so you don’t make a mistake of buying a dog that you wouldn’t be ready to breed to adulthood.

Now that you have understood some of the differences, we are sure you are now in a better position to pay for either of the dogs that presents better opportunities for what you want to use them for.

Do you own an F1 or an F1B Goldendoodle? What are some of the differences you have noticed in the dogs? Kindly share your thoughts via the comment section so other Goldendoodle lovers can learn.

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!

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