If you’re talking about the most desired dog breeds in the U.S.A, then Cavapoos have to be on your list. Since you’re reading this article, then we assume you already know what a Cavapoo is.
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For those who don’t know, a Cavapoo is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Mini Poodle. People love Cavapoos for their loving, loyal, and friendly attributes. So, being the type that wants companionship as well as loyalty from a pet, then a Cavapoo isn’t a bad choice.
The state of California could be tricky when it comes to getting Cavapoos. This is because the cost of living here is high, and several unethical breeders are looking to cash-in on its very high demand.
The truth is, there aren’t too many Cavapoo breeders in California, so you have to be careful when you search. For every breeder you come across, you need to ask for proof of the dog’s health status, a guarantee, and other relevant documents containing vital information about the dog.
Don’t fret just yet, we have done some research and have come across a few Cavapoo breeders we believe you can trust. Keep reading, as we will be listing out the top Cavapoo breeders in California.
1. Golden Heart Doodles
They are among renowned California- based Cavapoo breeders we came across in our search. Having over 3 decades of experience in breeding dogs, you should expect nothing less than pure quality breeds from them
They don’t just breed Cavapoos, they breed other dogs as well. The owner loves poodle breeds, and that motivated him to begin crossing Cavaliers with poodles.
They believe poodle hybrids are excellent dogs to have in the family because they don’t shed fur, so those who are allergic to animal hair can keep them.
Also, cross-breeding Cavaliers to Poodles helps reduce the risk of hereditary diseases via a genetic trait known as hybrid vigor.
Golden Heart Doodles maintain focus on two types of hybrids, the Cavapoos, and the Cavapoochons. Being a small scale breeder, they can give each of their puppies maximum care and attention.
These dogs are born and nurtured in a family-owned home, and they are taught to socialize with children and other adults as well. For this reason, you can be confident that Golden Heart Doodles will provide you with only the healthiest, family-friendly Cavapoo doodles California has to offer.
Both the short-term and long-term welfare of their dogs are taken into proper consideration, which is why the parent dogs are put through genetic testing before they are allowed to breed.
Doing this ensures that all their puppies will be free of possible genetic diseases that are associated with the Cavapoo breeds. To make you feel safe about your investment, all their Cavapoo puppies are covered by a 3-year health guarantee for congenital and genetic health conditions.
As for price, you could say Golden Heart Doodles are fairly priced when you consider the value of a Cavapoo. You can get a male Cavapoo puppy at around $2,500 and a female pup for around $3,000. However, an initial deposit of $300 is required for the sake of reservation, this fee will be subtracted from the total price you pay as you take possession of the puppy.
Below are their contact details.
Location: They are based in Elk Grove, California. This is around Northern California and is very close to Sacramento. They are approximately 100 miles from San Francisco and the Bay Area.
Breeder email address: goldenheartfarm@yahoo.com
2. Cee Cee’s Puppy Palace for Cavapoos
This is a trusted Cavapoo breeder you can trust. If you live in California and are interested in owning one, then feel free to reach out to them.
Situated in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, the breeders have been operating since 2006, and they are an excellent destination for prospects to come and purchase their Cavapoo puppies.
They adhere to the best breeding and puppy-raising standards, which is why they produce top-class Cavapoos. They are run by a retired couple who have all the time in the world to look after the Cavapoo puppies in their care.
The dogs are home-grown and are taught how to socialize with children from a very tender age. Going by the information provided on their website, they are proud owners of seven breeders, including a poodle stud and six breeding female cavaliers.
You can catch a glimpse of their breeders, as their pictures and videos are posted on their website and Facebook page. They keep uploading the most recent pictures of the puppies and their parents, so you know exactly what they have at every period in time.
If you eventually secure a Cavapoo from them, they will give you a blanket covered in their mum’s scent. This will make them feel the presence of their mum at the initial stages of being away from their parents. It will also help them to remain calm and happy as they move into their new home.
Cee Cee’s get a lot of requests for Cavapoo puppies. The demand is so high, that you would have to wait for as long as a year after submitting a request to buy a Cavapoo from them.
As for the price, every one of their Cavapoos costs $2,500. They also do not ship their puppies, but they can deliver them to you, as long as you live close to San Joaquin Valley.
Below are their contact details.
Breeder Location: They are based in Central San Joaquin Valley in Northern California. They are approximately 45 miles away from the San Francisco Bay Area and 60 miles south of Sacramento.
Breeder email address: ceeceespuppypalace@hughes.net
Breeder phone line: 559-281-2868

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Ask a Vet Live NowHow To Find A Reputable Cavapoo Breeder In California
Like their fellow dog lovers in other states of the US, dog lovers in California are also jostling to be proud owners of the Cavapoo breed. The demand for this dog breed may not decline because of its special nature.
There are many Cavapoo breeders in California, but not all of them follow standard practices in raising them. The rising demand for the dog is driving many unethical breeders into the business of Cavapoo breeding in California.
If you’re looking for a Cavapoo puppy whose company you wish to enjoy, then you can’t afford to buy one raised by unethical breeders. The reason is simple- This category of breeders raise dogs that are not sound physically and mentally. Your dog may end up falling sick now and then. That’s an extra cost for you.
The reason is that unethical breeders neither conduct the necessary health checks nor care to socialize these puppies with humans and house pets.
An example of shady practice by an unethical breeder is raising puppies inside kennels. Puppies with bad temperaments are products of this practice.
You don’t want to spend a huge amount of money to buy a Cavapoo that’s half-bred or not properly socialized.
Knowing that the state of California has many poor breeders looking to exploit unsuspecting dog lovers, we have taken our time to list and explain some expert tips in your bid to find a trustworthy Cavapoo breeder in California.
Ask A Close Friend Or Family Member
Do you know a friend, colleague, or family members who live in California? If you answered yes, then you should reach out to them for help.
Because you’re a dog lover, you’ve likely made friends with someone of like interest or your likeness for dogs has brought you close to a family member. Consider exploring this option because a familiar person who has had first-hand experience with Cavapoo breeders in California won’t lie to you about their experiences.
They know that you love dogs, therefore, they won’t refer you to unethical breeders. They may even link you with someone that knows better about breeders in California.
Leverage your relationship, tell your friends, or a loved one that you want to buy a Cavapoo from a respected breeder in the state of California.
Search The Internet And Make Inquiries
The internet is a reservoir of information. None of your friends or family members may reside in California, then perform a search on the internet. When you go online, getting a list of Cavapoo breeders in California won’t be difficult.
You will agree that the internet is rife with a lot of information, so you’ve to do extra work. The work involves asking good questions and getting solid answers.
So, when you find a California-based breeder online, contact them, and put your questions through to them. They should tell you about the Cavapoo puppies and parents’ dogs in their litter.
What distinguishes an honest breeder from a shady one is their willingness to answer your questions. For instance, a good breeder will gladly answer your questions and even go ahead to tell you what you didn’t ask.
A bad breeder has many things to hide, therefore, they don’t want you to question them. Be vigilant and don’t fall for lies.
Most importantly, your question should touch on the following areas.
- Status of the breeder’s registration.
- Result of genetic testing for the parent dogs.
- Health certificates for the puppies and parent dogs.
- Where they were raised.
- Health guarantees for the dogs.
- The dog’s socialization status.
- Forms of training the dogs have received.
As we mentioned earlier, a reputable breeder won’t frown at your inquisitive nature.
Ask For Proof
Remember that some breeders can lie to make you pay. The onus is on you to ask for proof. Don’t completely believe what they have told you about the health conditions of their dogs if you don’t see documents establishing that.
A good breeder should be registered, ask them to show you their certificate of registration in California.
You have the right to see health certificates and results of medical checks for the dogs. These are documents that can verify the health status of the dogs.
A plethora of evidence is a sign that you’re dealing with a legit breeder while its paucity signals an unethical breeder. To put it simply, let their proof also do the talking.
Use Reviews
You’re what your customers say. This is also true for Cavapoo breeders in California. Customer reviews give an idea of what to expect when you patronize a particular breeder.
Someone happy to have met a breeder would certainly say good things about them while a displeased customer won’t fail to express their displeasure.
Reviews are important, don’t underestimate its role when you want to choose a breeder to do business with.
Social media pages and websites of breeders are the surest places to find customers’ reviews. Go through them before you pay.
There is a real scarcity of authentic Cavapoo breeders in California. The demand for this dog breed is very high, and a lot of unethical breeders have joined the business.
They are also expensive dog breeds to own, so you need to be sure you are getting your pups from a trusted breeder.
The breeders listed above are authentic. Reach out to them for further inquiries.
We trust this article on Cavapoo breeders in California has been of great help.
Take care!
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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!
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