100 Black and White Dog Names – Bicolor Dog Names

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 10/15/20 •  9 min read
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Black and white dogs are so cute—no matter what their breed! They come in all shapes and sizes, too! You’ll find black and white Boston terriers, spotted Dalmatians, energetic Border Collies, and Portuguese Water dogs!

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Are you the new pet parent of a black and white dog? Do you need a cute name to go with your new fur baby? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve done the research and come up with a list of 100 names to choose from! Let’s get started!

White Dog with Black Eye Patch Names

Do you have a white dog that has a black eye patch over one eye? Then here are some names that might be a good fit for him!

1). Patch: sorry, we couldn’t pass this one by!

2). Blot: for the black patch over your fur baby’s eye

3). Bullseye: a white dog with a black patch surely resembles the bullseye on a dart board!

4). Chip: maybe the patch looks like a dark chocolate chip on your sweet canine companion’s face.

5). Dotty: if you have a girl dog, then this would be a cute name for her! If you have a boy, then consider naming him “Dot!”

6). Freckle: maybe that black spot is actually a freckle!

7). Panda: this would be a cute, sweet name!

8). Polka Dot: another cute name for a boy or a girl.

9). Spot: of course, we couldn’t this one up, either! This could be a girl or a boy dog name.

10). Sprinkle: that black patch could even look like a sprinkle on a donut or cupcake!

Black & White Poodle Names

Do you have a black or white poodle? Or perhaps one that’s bicolored? Then here are some names that might be a good fit for your canine companion.

11). Garbo (f): named for the actress who was famous in black and white movies

12). Greta (f): another famous movie star who worked in black and white films

13). Half Moon (m or f): named for the moon in a black sky

14). Harlequin (m or f): a specific design motif of diamonds and black and white

15). Jeeves (m): the name of the famous butler who wore a black and white tuxedo

16). Patches (m or f): if your fur baby has patches of black and white all over

17). Pepe Le Pew (m): the famous skunk in cartoons, who happens to be French, like your Poodle

18). Balance (f): means “white” in French—this could be a good name if your lady Poodle is mostly white

19). Ebony (m or f): means “dark or black” and could be a great name if your canine companion is mostly black with a little white

20). Licorice (m or f): think of black licorice—this would be a great name for your mostly black Poodle

Black and White Dog Name List

Here are some more names that could be the perfect choice for your fur baby!

21). Almond Joy: after the famous candy bar

22). Aurora (f): for the black and white colors of the sky at night

23). Banksy (m): the famous street artist in England, who paints graffiti in black and white

24). Barcode (m or f): after the black and white colors of these symbols found on items at the store

25). Bear (m): for the black bear and white polar bear

26). Panda: for the famous Chinese panda bears that are black and white

27). Chanel (f): this famous brand features a black and white logo

28). Moo (m or f): for those beautiful black and white Holstein cows

29). Cupcake (f): for a pretty girl who resembles a yummy vanilla and chocolate cupcake

30). Felix (m): the name of the famous black and white cartoon cat

Black and White Dog Names Male

Here are some great names for boy dogs that are black and white!

31). Eight Ball: a name for the black and white ball used in the game of pool

32). Greyson: if your fur baby has some white and gray mixed together, this could be the perfect name for him!

33). Inky: this name could be a great option for a dog that has black and white spots that look like spilled ink.

34). Monk: named for the black and white robes of Catholic monks

35). Newsie: this name comes from the black and white of newspapers—and if your dog likes to bark a lot, maybe he’s spreading the latest doggie news in the neighborhood!

36). Oreo: who can resist these fantastic cookies with a chocolate outside and white creamy middle?

37). Peanut: remember Snoopy? He’s a black and white dog in the Charlie Brown cartoons

38). Snoopy: of course, you must have seen this one coming!

39). Pepper: this great spice comes in both black and white versions

40). Petey: for the black and white dog in the Little Rascals

41). Piano: this name is inspired by the beautiful musical instrument of the same name

42). Ref: remember those referees everyone “loves”? They wear uniforms that have black and white stripes.

43). Shamu: this name comes from the famous orca whale who is black and white

44). Smudge: does your fur baby have black and white smudges? Then this could be a great name for him!

45). Stormy: sometimes the sky, during a thunderstorm, can be very dark, almost black, with some spots of white

Names for Black and White Spotted Dogs

Here are some names for dogs that are spotted black and white!

46). Pongo: remember the famous Dalmatian?

47). Spade: for the playing cards that have black spades on a white background

48). Cookie: think of those wonderful chocolate chip cookies, which taste great when they first come out of the oven

49). Cruella: the name of the wicked lady villain from the movie “101 Dalmatians.”

50). Dice: what name could be better than this for your spotted black and white dog?

More Black and White Dog Names

Haven’t found the right name yet? That’s OK! We have more names for you to check out!

51). Bessie: this is usually the name of a cow—often those cows that are black and white

52). Blot: if your canine companion has one white or black spot, this could be a fitting name!

53). Chess: named after that famous strategy board game

55). Dabble

56). Dapple: think of those shadows and light and dark that come from a tree with the sun shining through its branches

57). Domino: have you ever played this famous game?

58). Groucho: this name is inspired by the famous actor Groucho Marks, who played in black and white movies

59). Hemera (f): the Greek goddess of the day and night

60). Jack

61). Jasper

62). Lucky

63). Marble

64). Mickey: for the famous Disney mouse

65). Minnie: we couldn’t leave her out of this list—Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend!

66). Motley: usually a patchwork of black and white design

67). Noir: this name means “dark or black” in French

68). Nyx: the God of night

69). Obsidian: a beautiful type of black stone

70). Orca: those amazing whales that are colored black and white, and are sometimes called Killer whales

Even More Names for Black and White Dogs

OK—if you still haven’t found the right name for your pup, here are a few more that can be a great fit for dogs that are black and white!

71). Badgy: this name is inspired by the black and white badger

72). Charlie: the name of the famous movie star, Charlie Chaplin, who starred in black and white movies

73). Chester: another name inspired by the game of chess

74). Choccy: short for “chocolate,” this could be a great name if your dog looks like they’re covered in chocolate chips

75). Goofy: the famous Disney companion of Mickey and Minnie Mouse—he’s mostly black and white

76). Lizzy: short for “Elizabeth,” this name is inspired by the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor who also starred in black and white movies when she was young

77). Magpie: those smart, black and white birds are the inspiration for this name!

78). Merle: a great name for a dog that has a black and white splatter pattern on his coat

79). Mittens: does your fur baby have white paws? This could be the perfect name for them!

80). Notes: those black symbols found on sheet music

81). Penguin: does your fur baby look as if he’s wearing a tuxedo? Then this might be a good name for him!

82). Puffin: this is another black and white bird

83). Raccoon: if your fur baby has a mask and is black and white, this could make a great name for him or her

84). Ripple: this could be a great name choice for a dog that looks like he has white and black stripes

85). Skunky: inspire by those beautiful animals that are black and white, but sometimes don’t smell too good

86). Sundae: if you love vanilla sundaes with chocolate sauce, what a cute name for your fur baby!

87). Swan: this name comes from those beautiful white and black birds that swim majestically on lakes, rivers and ponds

88). Zebra: a great name if your fur baby has black and white stripes

89). Zorro: this is another great option for a dog that has a black mas and white everywhere else

90). Dabble

91). Sylvester: the name of another famous black and white cat, who looks like he’s wearing a tuxedo

92). Swirl: does your dog have black and white swirls? This could be a great name for them!

93). Kiss: this name comes from the famous rock band of the same name—they wear black and white costumes and makeup

94). Rocky

95). Shadow

96). Maverick

97). Pinwheel

98). Pixel: named for the colored pixels on digital images

99). Zebra: if your fur baby is striped like this famous animal, what better name could you choose?

100). Vintage: for those things that are older, such as black and white movies

We hope you’ve had fun reading through our list of dog names, and that you’ve found the perfect name for your black and white canine companion!

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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.

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