Why Do Male Dogs Follow Female Dogs?

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 09/18/22 •  3 min read
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Why Do Male Dogs Follow Female Dogs?

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Female dogs in heat can drive a male dog crazy! At least it seems that way to us! However, the dogs are only acting in a way that’s completely natural to them. But one thing some pet parents wonder is why do male dogs follow female dogs. That’s a good question!

Does your male dog follow female dogs? Does he act in unusual ways when following a female dog? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We understand this male canine behavior can be confusing and sometimes upsetting.

We’ve put together some information about why a male dog follows female dogs and what you can do to help your male dog. Let’s get started!

What Makes a Male Dog Follow Female Dogs?

A female dog in heat puts off very strong pheromones. This is the signal she’s in heat and ready to mate. And these pheromones can travel for miles. That’s why male dogs that don’t even belong to the neighborhood are seen trying to meet this female dog in heat!

A male dog will act completely unbalanced when there’s a female dog in heat nearby. Even if they’re usually well-behaved, the male can’t help himself. He may try to follow the female dog, fight with other male dogs, and more. His only goal is to gain mating rights with the female dog who’s in heat.

How to Help Your Dog

When your male dog is very attracted to the female dog in heat, he will do anything and everything to find her and mate. So, he may try to escape the yard, run out the front door at every opportunity, and more.

Your fur baby is being driven to mate by his hormones, which are reacting to the pheromones put off by the female dog. Here are some ways you can help your dog when he’s being driven to distraction by a female dog in heat:

Keep the dogs separated: if the male and female dogs are living in the same home, it’s best to keep them separated as much as possible. This can prevent an unwanted pregnancy and help calm the male a little bit.

Hide the female’s scent: if the female is your dog, you can try to mask her scent when she’s in heat. You might try having her wear doggie diapers, cleaning the house more often, and more.

Exercise: you may help your male dog by wearing him out with additional exercise. Try to take him on longer walks, spend more time playing with him, and more. The goal is to wear him out, so he sleeps more.

Have your male dog neutered: finally, you may want to have your male dog neutered if you’re not planning on breeding him. This way, he will usually calm down a little bit and not be so interested in female dogs in heat. And if the female dog is yours, too, you may want to also consider having her spayed.

These are the best ways to help your dog. We strongly recommend having your dog(s) fixed if you’re not planning on breeding them. This way, you avoid unwanted pregnancies and have calmer, happier dogs, too!

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!