Why Do Female Dogs Pee When Excited?

Reviewed By Kyoko •  Updated: 10/12/22 •  3 min read
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Why Do Female Dogs Pee When Excited?

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Have you noticed your female dog peeing when she gets excited? This is a common problem with both female and male dogs. But what causes this behavior?

It can be pretty frustrating if your female canine companion has this problem. Is there anything you can do to stop her urinating on the floor when she’s excited?

If you’re dealing with this problem, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together some information about what causes a female dog to pee when she’s excited. Let’s get started!

Why Does My Female Dog Pee When Excited?

Excitement urination is common in happy girl dogs who may not have full control of their bladders. The dog may be young and eventually outgrow this problem when she’s more mature.

Some dogs may even pee when they’re first awakened or startled. The dog may all of a sudden become very active and then urinate. Ugh!

The weird thing about this urinating problem is that the dog doesn’t squat or lift her leg. Instead, she’s usually walking, standing, or running. She may even be wagging her tail, barking and whining, and more.

Is There a Way to Stop Excitement Peeing?

The three most helpful solutions for this problem include:

Helping your dog relax and calm down: one way to help your dog relax and calm down is to ignore her in situations where she may become excited and pee. Ensure your fur baby doesn’t have a full bladder and that she’s house trained. If your female dog becomes excited, turn away from her. Don’t pay attention to her until she’s calm.

More frequent walks (to get rid of excess energy): ensuring your female dog doesn’t have a full bladder can mean more trips outside and walking to get rid of excess energy. Some dogs are very excitable because they’re overflowing with energy. This can be caused by a lack of exercise and playtime. So, take your fur baby out for more frequent walks to empty her bladder and get rid of all that excess energy!

Treating her excitability: some dogs, just like humans, find it difficult to relax. So, you may need to help teach your fur baby how to relax and be calm. This can be done through positive reinforcement training, where dogs are taught to relax on their own.

Summing It Up

So, there you have it! These are the most common reasons and solutions for female dogs that pee when excited. If your dog continues to have problems urinating when she shouldn’t a trip to the vet is warranted.

Some dogs that have been spayed have a problem controlling their bladders. Today, vets have medication that can help “dry up” excess pee. You and your dog can then feel more comfortable and at ease by not worrying about accidents!

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Kyoko is from a family of 3 and moved to New York with her parents and siblings when she was 13. Kyoko is fond of spending a great amount of time with pets, specifically her beagle Luna and cat Missy. Her boyfriend often complains that she spends too much time giving attention to their animals. Kyoko has written dozens of articles concerning pets and is aiming at owning a pet shop one day!