Why Do Female Dogs Bury Their Food?

Reviewed By Julie •  Updated: 06/19/22 •  3 min read
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Why Do Female Dogs Bury Their Food?

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Have you ever given your female dog a treat, only to find her burying it later? Some pet parents find this behavior a bit strange. Why on earth would a dog bury her food?

If your dog has started burying her food, you’ve come to the right place! We understand it can be confusing when your fur baby starts doing something like this!

We’ve put together some information about why your female dog may be burying her food and if this is something to be concerned about! Let’s get started!

Why Does a Female Dog Bury Her Food?

There are several reasons a female dog may bury her food, including:

Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can cause dogs to bury their treats and dog food. In your dog’s case, if she was adopted, it’s possible she had a traumatic experience in her past that makes her bury her food. Dogs that come from backyard breeders or puppy mills may have been traumatized by lack of enough food. The dog’s experiences are never forgotten and may be triggered when she becomes stressed.

The good news is that this behavior can decrease when your fur baby knows she’s safe and will be fed regularly.


Dogs that are overfed may also bury their food and treats. In healthy dogs, the behavior suggests that they have more food than they need. In that case, the dog may save the food for later and bury it to cache it.


Another reason your female dog may be burying her food is that she’s being possessive. This is most common in a home that has two or more dogs and other pets. Some dogs choose to hide their prized toys and food in the strangest places. Some dogs may bury their food in the backyard, flower pots in the house (or on the patio), and more. You may even find a nice snack under your bed covers!

Possessive burying of food may also indicate stress or anxiety.

Seeking Attention

Female dogs may also bury their food to gain attention from you and other members in the family. Some dogs even steal your belongings, such as shoes, TV remotes, and more. Dogs will do this if they feel no one is paying attention to them. After all, negative attention is better than no attention.

Nausea/Lack of Appetite

If your female dog is suffering from nausea and lack of appetite, she may also bury her food. She may also try to nudge her food bowl away. If your fur baby is suddenly showing signs of nausea or other symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and more), then it’s a good thing to call the vet.

Summing It Up

The key takeaway is that female dogs may bury food for many different reasons. Some are harmless, while others are more concerning.

If you’re worried about your dog burying her food, then be sure to call the vet. It may be time for a checkup to see if your canine companion has an underlying medical condition.

In most cases, the vet can successfully treat your female dog, and she’ll be feeling better than ever! And you may no longer find “snacks” buried under the covers on your bed!

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Julie is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, where she studied Animal science. Though contrary to the opinion of her parents she was meant to study pharmacy, but she was in love with animals especially cats. Julie currently works in an animal research institute (NGO) in California and loves spending quality time with her little cat. She has the passion for making research about animals, how they survive, their way of life among others and publishes it. Julie is also happily married with two kids.