How To Stop Dog Chewing Carpet

Reviewed By Kim •  Updated: 01/09/23 •  7 min read
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How To Stop Dog Chewing Carpet

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Dogs and carpets sometimes don’t mix very well. That’s a fact that many pet parents can relate to, especially after coming home from work and finding their expensive carpet chewed up! Yikes!

Even dogs that have plenty of chew toys may choose to chew up carpet! But don’t despair! We’ve done some research and found some tips you can use to keep your dog from chewing up the carpet. Let’s get started!

Why Do Dogs Chew Carpet?

When dogs are in the puppy stage, they tend to chew up many things, including carpet. At this point, puppies are teething. They chew to relieve the pain and pressure of their new teeth erupting from their gums. That can be a painful, distressing time for a puppy, and he will do anything to relieve this discomfort. Carpet’s on the puppy’s level and is pretty easy to chew, making this a natural teething material!

When dogs reach about the age of a year, they usually stop chewing on anything and everything. However, it’s still possible that a dog may continue to chew on carpet for various reasons.

If you have a teething puppy, be sure to provide him with plenty of teething toys. In addition, you can give him a frozen washcloth to chew on. This is a great way to relieve pain and give your puppy something to chew on.

Older dogs may chew on carpets when they’re bored or need to get rid of excess energy.

Will Chewing Carpet Hurt My Dog?

Yes, there are some ways that carpet could be harmful to your dog, including:

It’s possible that swallowing carpet could even cause death in some cases. So, dogs should not be allowed to chew on carpeting.

How to Stop a Dog from Chewing on the Carpet

Here are some of the most common reasons a dog may chew on the carpet and ways to get him to stop!

1. Teething

Puppies explore their world with their mouths and go through a teething phase. Both could cause a puppy to start chewing on the carpet and many other things. Here, think of shoes, purses, backpacks, homework, and more! Puppies chew on things that are satisfying.

However, puppies also chew on things that provide relief from teething pain and discomfort. Puppies start teething when they lose their milk teeth at about three weeks of age. Until the puppy is about six months old, he will teethe on everything, including the carpet.

Here are some ways to keep your puppy from chewing on the carpet (and other things):

Give your puppy a cold or frozen chew toy to ease his pain and discomfort. As we mentioned earlier, you can also provide him with a frozen washcloth to chew on. However, be sure to supervise your puppy to make sure he doesn’t chew off pieces and swallow them!

You may want to consider puppy teething toys, such as the Nylabone Puppy Chew Toys for Teething Puppies. This is a great toy that’s almost indestructible and satisfying for chewing. The material is soft and will not damage a puppy’s teeth or cause sores in his mouth. And the textures are interesting! You can also chill or freeze these toys to help with a puppy’s teething pain.

Use these methods to begin training your puppy. Teach him what’s OK to chew on and what he shouldn’t chew on, including the carpet.

2. Separation Anxiety

Some dogs don’t do well left alone for long periods. They can develop separation anxiety and develop destructive behaviors, such as chewing carpets and other things. Dogs with separation anxiety may also pace, bark too much, howl, dig, potty in the house, and more.

If you have a dog that has mild to moderate separation anxiety, you might consider giving him a Kong chew toy to keep him occupied. These toys are made of durable materials that are almost indestructible. What’s more, they contain a hold in the bottom that can be filled with a yummy treat, such as peanut butter! What a great way to ease your dog’s anxiety! Only allow your fur baby to have this toy when you’re away from home so he’ll have something unique to take his mind off being alone.

If your dog has a more severe form of separation anxiety, it’s a good idea to see the vet. They may be able to prescribe anti-anxiety medications and recommend training courses that could help your fur baby feel better.

3. Early Weaning

Puppies taken away from their mother at too young an age (before they’re 7 or 8 weeks old) may try to suck, lick, and chew carpet.

To solve this problem, you can use the same methods we described for teething puppies. However, it if continues, you may need to see the vet and/or find a behavioral specialist who can help you and your fur baby.

4. Pica

Pica is a behavioral condition that drives dogs to eat non-food items, including carpets. Some dogs may feel compelled to eat other things, though many may choose to eat/chew the carpet.

If your dog seems to have pica, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with the vet. The reason is that pica is sometimes accompanied by underlying health issues that cause the behavior. The vet can examine your dog to see if there is a health issue or not.

Ensure your dog is getting enough food; pica is sometimes caused when a dog doesn’t have enough to eat and/or is not getting the nutrients he needs to stay healthy. Here, again, it may be helpful to see the vet if you’re not sure your dog is getting enough to eat or the nutrients he needs.

5. Boredom & Excess Energy

Dogs may also chew carpet because they’re bored and/or have too much energy! The first way to solve this problem is by giving your dog more exercise. Take him for walks, play with him, and have fun! Find appropriate exercise for his breed, age, and size to keep from overdoing it.

Another way to solve this issue is by giving your dog puzzle games. These can be a lot of fun and keep your dog busy for a while!

Consider the Dog Puzzle Toys. This is a toy that offers many activities in one toy. It’s sure to provide your dog with the mental stimulation he needs, along with some yummy treats as rewards for solving the puzzles!

Summing It Up

So, there you have it! Dogs may chew carpets for various reasons. The key is to find the cause of your dog chewing up the carpet and provide a solution that works for him. In some cases, you may need to use more than one solution to stop him from chewing on carpeting.

Find what works for your dog and stick with it! Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy having carpets that don’t have dog tooth marks and holes all over them!

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Kim is a talented author, who loves animals especially dogs. She engaged in writing books and articles relating to animals a decade ago. Kim resides in Chicago with her husband and son. The family is the proud owner of a dog and a parrot (Jack and Lily). Kim wanted more than these two pets, but her husband put his foot down... She often visits elementary schools to talk to the kids about what she learned about pets and how they could learn from them.